
15 July 2011

#Pentagon makes love, not #cyberwar

The Pentagon has revealed an unclassified version of its "Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace." And despite a drumbeat of scare talk and digital sabre-rattling in Washington, the document takes a measured, reasonable approach -- focusing on good network hygiene and data-sharing, rather than bombing hackers into submission.

8 Movies that Crack the #Hacker Code

Gone are the Cold War days where men in trench coats puffed cigarettes in the shadows, whispering code words and palming off microfilm. Writers and directors these days have seized upon the ongoing Internet revolution/evolution to use hackers as both a storyline catalyst and escape hatch for when a convoluted plot needs to be rescued with hasty exposition or resolution.

US Hails Progress With #Russia on #Cybersecurity Cooperation

Russia and the U.S. are working to reduce chances for a cybersecurity incident that could damage the countries' relationship, according to the top cybersecurity adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama.

#USMilitary Outlines #CyberSecurity Strategy

 Inside DHS' Classified Cyber-Coordination HeadquartersThe U.S. military could respond to serious cyber attacks, even on private infrastructure, with "a proportional and justified military response," deputy secretary of defense William Lynn said Thursday during the announcement of the Department of Defense's Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace, the U.S. military's first comprehensive blueprint for cybersecurity and cyberwarfare.

MD5 encryption is not secure today

Attention, government and corporate IT types. Repeat after me: MD5 encryption is not secure.


#Hacktivism moves from pranks to problem

Agricultural technology firm Monsanto became the latest target of hacktivists this week, when hackers donning the mantle of the distributed protest group Anonymous claimed that it had penetrated the firm's network and leaked personal information on 2,500 of the company's employees.

Senator #JohnMcCain: We Need to Look Into #Anonymous, #Hackers

Senator John McCain, former Republican Presidential nominee, asked Congress to dedicate a committee to cyber-infiltration by groups like Anonymous

#DOD to use offense in# cyberwar

The Pentagon is ready to fight hackers with their own weapons in cyberspace, the newest domain for warfare but also "reserves the right" to respond to a cyberattack with military force, defense officials said Thursday.


#Hackers steal sensitive #USmilitary documents

SHANE MCLEOD: The Pentagon has admitted that a foreign intelligence service stole 24,000 files from a US defence contractor earlier this year.

#Hacker claims Skype still vulnerable

An Armenian hacker is claiming that Skype has failed to learn from prior security lessons, falling victim to a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability similar to one it patched in May, which would allow users to redirect victims to unwanted websites or run arbitrary code.

14 July 2011

#Hackers Turn #Vodafone Home Cellular Base Station into Call Interception Device

A group of hackers known as The Hacker's Choice (THC) have managed to transform Vodafone UK's "Sure Signal" cellular base station product into a device that can intercept other people's calls over 3G/UMTS/WCDMA networks. <via Softpedia>

"Why We Secretly Love the #Lulzsec #Hackers" || #Cyberdefense #infosec

Although large sections of the security community will deny it if you ask them, they're secretly enjoying watching LulzSec's campaign of mayhem unfold. <via>


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Army experiments with off-the-shelf smartphones

The Army is experimenting with off-the-shelf smartphones that would allow soldiers in combat to receive real-time images of insurgent movements and friendly troops <via USAToday>

New “highly sophisticated” #cyberattacks on US government labs

government-funded research laboratories and a government contractor in the United States are still recovering from a "highly sophisticated" cyber attack that took place during the July 4 holiday weekend.

Pentagon to publish strategy for #cyberwar

Facing escalating risks of cyberattacks by hackers, criminals and other nations, the Pentagon is developing more resilient computer networks so the military can continue to operate if critical systems are breached or taken down.

#Infosec analysts unemployment rate: zero

Of the 12 computer related job classifications the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks, Infosec workers reported no unemployment in the second quarter 2011. Computer netwrok architects had a minute 0.5 percent jobless rate in the 2nd quarter and none in the first.

PayPal CISO hits out at #antisec, as #Anonymous publishes employee credentials

The chief information security officer of PayPal has called for an end to the antisec campaign of hacktivism and for the identities of hackers involved in the operation to be revealed.


#Hackers Issue Vermont Zombie Alert

"No zombie attack has occurred, as far as I know," chuckled Vt. transportation secretary Brian Searles.

Legality of Brooklyn Artist's Apple Store Photography Project Questioned

Title: Legality of Brooklyn Artist's Apple Store Photography Project Questioned


13 July 2011

New Alliance ICSPA To Fight #CyberCrime Globally

The International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA) was launched in London to fight cybercrime on a global level. This new body unites governments, International businesses and Law-enforcement agencies (including Europol) in order to fight cyber offense. Reputed security companies such as Trend Micro and McAfee have also signed up for the same.



From the Heritage Foundation:

Abstract: The expansion of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is in many ways a logical and even forgone conclusion. China is the world's second-largest economy; its heavy dependence on trade inevitably makes the seas of growing importance to national well-being. Yet as China's maritime ambitions continue to expand, the U.S. is faced with a challenging task: recognizing Chinese interests without acceding to Chinese demands. How America meets this challenge will determine the future of the Asia-Pacific region and whether America's maritime dominance will continue through the next century.


Learning from the Citibank Break-in: Watch What You Share

Last month's hacking into Citibank's database — which compromised more than 200,000 credit card accounts — highlights the risks in sharing private information on social networking sites and signals the need for stronger regulatory measures, according to Wharton faculty.

Beijing on #cyberwar footing with Vietnam

Thirty-six years after chasing the United States out of Vietnam, the com munist rulers in Hanoi now want us back. The ironies of this bizarre turn of events are many, but the reason is simple: China.

#Canadian intelligence warns of growing #cyberthreat

The Canadian intelligence service has singled out cyber attacks as one of the biggest threats facing Canada in its latest annual report.

Cyber War Started Between China and

Chinese and the Vietnamese hackers have started a cyber war over the territorial dispute on the ownership of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. According to Global Times, a website under the operation of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry was hacked in June. The cyber attack has disabled all the links on that website and placed the China's flag at the center of the page. The article said the hackers left their cyber names "3King" and "Xiao Lan" on the website and claimed to be from Yancheng (northeastern Jiangsu Province).

#Syria's #cyberwar against the regime's opponents

The crackdown on anti-regime protesters continues in Syria and the government is also waging a virtual war against its online opponents. Social networks have been playing a vital role in the protest movement that has rocked the country for the past four months.

Police tapping #iPhone for facial recognition and fingerprinting

Dozens of law-enforcement agencies from Massachusetts to Arizona are preparing to outfit their forces with controversial hand-held facial-recognition devices as soon as September, raising significant questions about privacy and civil liberties.  With the device, which attaches to an iPhone, an officer can snap a picture of a face from up to five feet away, or scan a person's irises from up to six inches away, and do an immediate search to see if there is a match with a database of people with criminal records. The gadget also collects fingerprints. <via WSJ>


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Video: Cyber Challenge Symposium - Cyber Deterrence

The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies presented the fifth seminar in a series addressing science, technology, and policy issues relative to cyber security on Wednesday July 6.  The program, "Cyber Deterrence: Mutual Assured Disruption or Other Options?" featured a panel including Gen. Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.), currently a Principal at the Chertoff Group and a former Director of the CIA and NSA;  Michael Tiffany, Chief Architect at Recursion Ventures;  and Dr. James Mulvenon, Vice President, Intelligence Division, Defense Group, Inc. Click below to watch video of the event. <link below for video>


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U.S., Russia Forge #Cybersecurity Pact

The United States plans to start regularly sharing cybersecurity information with Russia as part of the Obama administration's efforts to re-establish closer ties to that country and clear up misconceptions surrounding the two nations' cyber policies. <via InformationWeek>

Two-thirds of companies average three data breaches a year - #infosec

Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of companies say they suffer at least three data breaches a year, according to a survey released on July 7 by a national technology employment agency. <via Government Security News>


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Mobile #Malware: Why #Fraudsters and #Cybercriminals Are Two Steps Ahead

Interesting article about the security of mobile devices.  Bottom line, Android devices are way more vulnerable than iPhone unless they have been jail broken. Look for more news on mobile hacking in the next year or two.


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#MI6 conducts #cyberwar attacks on #al-Qaeda in 'Operation Cupcake'

A funny story where MI-6 replaces bomb making recipe on an al Qaeda website with recipes for cupcakes 

Consumerization of #Warfare

Great article on the new concept of Mobile Warfare:


Your source for Cyber Warfare News

Voicemail #hacking exposes network vulnerabilities

I'm reading about 'Voicemail spying shows phone network weak spots' on
Fluent News. Here is the link:

Microsoft security site hacked

I'm reading about 'Porn infiltrates Microsoft anti-scam help site' on
Fluent News. Here is the link:

CIA moves to protect key analyst in bin Laden raid

I'm reading about 'CIA moves to protect key analyst in bin Laden raid'
on Fluent News. Here is the link:

11 July 2011

Hacker warns of pending attack.

Some big targets listed in this article: Metro Police, Royal families
of Bahrain and Qatar, maybe even World News...

#Hackers target #Catholic Diocese, civic group

Hackers target Catholic Diocese and Rotary Club in Orlando in
retaliation to antihomeless laws.

Fwd: CyberWarNews Morning Report is out ! Edition of Monday, Jul. 11, 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:33 AM
Subject: CyberWarNews Morning Report is out ! Edition of Monday, Jul. 11, 2011

CyberWarNews Morning Report
Monday, Jul. 11, 2011

Are Hacker Attacks Government Operation To Push Internet Censorship Laws?

We agree with this article. We found thousands of messages that claim to be Anonymous, attributing responsibility for things we would never do. Be alert to this. Do not allow Internet Censorship! A...


nigroeneveld Secubis
THEdarknet MBenLakhoua
60 articles, 1 photos and 1 videos by 51 contibutors
Technology 16
Politics 13
Business 10
Living 7
Education 4
Art & Entertainment 3
#infosec 62
#cybersecurity 16

Anonymous OpIran tango down four sites

Published on webstorm-anonymous news

Android malware spies on your SMS messages – but is it part of the Zeus family?

Published on The FireMario64DS Weekly
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Protect yourself against #Phishers, Shoulder Surfers and #Keyloggers

Good info if you are a person who uses coffee shop wifi a lot #hackers #cybercrime #infosec


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Active Self Defense Against #CyberAttacks

Interesting thoughts on counterstrikes and going on the offensive against #hackers. #cyberwar #infosec


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