
30 July 2011

Koobface: Inside a #Crimeware Network - #hackers #cybercrime

Between April and November 2010, the Information Warfare Monitor conducted an investigation into the operations and monetization strategies of the Koobface botnet. The researchers discovered archived copies of Koobface's infrastructure on a well-known Koobface command and control server. The data revealed a wealth of information about the inner workings of the botnet, including information on the malware, code, and database used to maintain the botnet as well as its monetization strategies. With this data, the Information Warfare Monitor was able to gain an in-depth understanding of how Koobface worked.

Koobface: Inside a Crimeware Network details Koobface's propagation strategies, counter-security measures, and business model. The report contributes to the cybercrime literature by shedding light on the malware ecosystem that enables and sustains cybercriminal activity, and by demonstrating that it is possible to leverage the mistakes made by cybercriminals in order to better understand the scope of their operations.

Read full article here: INFOWAR MONITOR

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MU hosts #cybersecurity camp to train future defenders of cyberspace

Three winners walked away from the United States Cyber Challenge Regional Cyber Security Boot Camp at MU with $1,000 scholarships.

The winners, Jorge Orchilles, Mathew Sitko and Vijay Thurimella, left with more than that, though. They gained skills that will help them better defend computer networks and sensitive information from attacks that are becoming more common in today's world.

Read full article here: MISSOURIAN

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DoD Seeks Changes to Acquisition Rules to Reduce #Cyberespionage

Big-time hacks against major defense contractors have been all over the news lately, raising fears of cyberespionage by China or Russia.  Part of the problem may be that the Pentagon's Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) doesn't contain data security requirements for defense contractors that handle unclassified DoD information.  This omission has caused concerns that foreign governments could obtain sensitive defense information by hacking into defense contractors.  Last year, the Defense Department took the first steps toward addressing this by issuing an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on changes that would add cybersecurity requirements.  And last month, DoD took the next step, publishing proposed amendments to the DFARS that would impose minimum cybersecurity requirements on government contractors for unclassified DoD information and require reporting of certain cyber incidents.  Comments are due by August 29, 2011.

Article source: Steptoe & Johnson LLP

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Special report: In #cyberspy vs. cyberspy, #China has the edge -#hackers

As America and China grow more economically and financially intertwined, the two nations have also stepped up spying on each other. Today, most of that is done electronically, with computers rather than listening devices in chandeliers or human moles in tuxedos.

Read full article here: REUTERS

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White House #Cyberspace Policy Review - Are we too late to catch up? - #cybersecurity #hackers

President Barack Obama directed a 60-day comprehensive review be conducted of the nation's cyber
security policy and procedures as they relate to national security and securing critical infrastructure.
The review team was comprised of a cross-section of cyber security experts from government, academia
and industry. Their report, Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and
Communications Infrastructure was released with recommendations that outline a new way forward
toward building and protecting a reliable and secure national digital infrastructure.

It comes as no surprise that the review panel reports that the federal government is woefully under
prepared for the daily onslaught of cyber-attacks this nation faces. The American people have
been reading headlines that the Chinese government has been stealing our national secrets via
cyber espionage for years. Now it seems you can find stories in the news about how post-Eastern
bloc cybercriminals are raking millions from U.S. citizens every day. The government seems almost
overwhelmed to the point of paralysis with how to handle the problem. Despite a handful of high
profile arrests, hactivist groups like Anonymous continue to take down the websites of the CIA and the
FBI with ease.

Read full article here: OPINION & ANALYSIS

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US targets Central European #cybergangs and #hackers

WASHINGTON, July 28 (UPI) -- Organized Central European cybercrime gangs are a security threat to the United States and have been targeted in a new U.S. strategy released this week.

U.S. President Barack Obama unveiled his Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime Monday at the White House, warning that international criminals have "taken advantage of our increasingly interconnected world to expand their illicit enterprises."

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#Paypal hands over 1000 IP addresses of #Anonymous #hackers

When Anonymous took up arms against Paypal last year for freezing Wikileaks' account and launched DDoS attacks against the billing and payment company, some of the attackers apparently left behind enough information to be traceable. Paypal is reporting that they've handed over a list of 1,000 IP addresses to the FBI of individuals they believe to be behind part of the attack.

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Confusion reigns over #LulzSec #hacker arrest

Earlier this week, British police triumphantly announcedthe arrest of "Topiary," a hacker linked to both Anonymous and LulzSecurity.

However, it remains unclear if the 18-year-old apprehended on the Shetland Islands is actually the Topiary of digital fame.

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Black Hat Pwnies Nominate #LulzSec, #Anonymous

Anonymous, LulzSec, and Sony are among the nominees for this year's Pwnie Awards, which will be bestowed on August 3 at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, a UBM TechWeb event. Award recipients receive gold-painted My Little Ponies.

Dubbed by its organizers as "an annual awards ceremony celebrating the achievements and failures of security researchers and the security community," Pwnies are meant to bring fame and shame to individuals, businesses, malware (and the people who discovered it), and more that have been featured in the year's security headlines--for good or bad.

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29 July 2011

#LulzSec #hacker and leader denies links to extremist groups

The leader of the LulzSec hacking group has been accused of being a front for recruitment to extremist causes which aim to create a group of "domestic terrorists".

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#Hacktivist 'Jester' Took Down #LulzSec, A#nonymous Sites

The Jester, or rather th3j35t3r, deems himself as a "hacktivist for good" and "obstructing the lines of communication for terrorists, sympathizers, fixers, facilitators, and other general bad guys." He also claims to be somewhere between 31 and 49 years of age and "an ex-soldier with a rather famous unit" that served two hours of duty as an airborne combat trooper in Afghanistan and other places.

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Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let #Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells

Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers.

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#Chinese #Hackers Score Heist of 35 Million South Koreans' Personal Info

There's an elephant in the room, when it comes to internet attacks, and that elephant is China.  While America once was fearful of China's communist philosophies, today the Asian giant poses a far greater threat in its economic success.

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Students learning to outsmart #hackers

(CNN) -- Cyber-theft is a growing concern. To combat the problem, students at the University of California Santa Barbara campus are learning how to catch a crook from behind a computer screen.

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The #Islamic #Nuclear Bomb Already Exists

We hear a lot about the Iranian nuclear weapons program and the concern that the Islamic Republic of Iran will succeed in arming itself with nuclear weapons. Most of the discussion about this possibility though is couched in almost apocalyptic terms. If Iran gets the bomb, it is said, if Islamic extremists get their hands on nuclear weapons, the results will be cataclysmic.

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Judge gives second AT&T #iPad #hacker more time to make plea deal

 A federal judge has put the case against a man charged with hacking AT&T's website on hold to allow plea negotiations to continue, court documents show.

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This is #cyberwar and your #scada is the target

The target of Stuxnet happened to be certain Siemens systems. This had nothing to do with vulnerabilities that Siemens hardware and software exposed and everything to do with who was using those systems and for what they were using them.
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Commentary: Defense cyber strategy avoids tackling the most critical issues - #cyberdefense #cyberwar

Summer in Washington is not usually the time when major news breaks. This year is proving the exception as lawmakers and the White House struggle with the debt ceiling. Amid this economic activity, the Defense Department on July 14 issued its Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace. Given the volume and nature of nefarious cyber activity seen recently, a bold and innovative plan could have been expected. Those hoping for such would have been disappointed, however, at least by the unclassified version of the document made publicly available. With so much at stake, either in the cyber domain or dependent on it, a clear-eyed assessment of the strategy -- its strengths, weaknesses and gaps -- is in order. Indeed, the future shape of both conflict and warfare likely will include a cyber component.

Read full article here: NEXTGOV

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Shared interest in online fraud makes strange bedfellows - #hckers #china #russia #cyberwar

The U.S. government is turning to some unexpected partners to fend off Chinese cyber spies and Russian hackers -- China and Russia.

While both countries have been accused of condoning, if not outright sponsoring, malicious online activity, they each share America's frustration with identity theft. U.S. officials see that commonality as a starting point for dialogue that eventually might resolve differences of opinion on other matters in cyberspace.

Read full article here: NEXTGOV

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Flying Drone Can Crack Wi-Fi Networks, Snoop On Cell Phones - #uav #HACKER

How do one ex-Air Force official and one former airplane hobby shop owner, both of whom happen to have decades of experience as network security contractors for the military, spend their weekends? Building a flying, unmanned, automated password-cracking, Wi-Fi-sniffing, cell-phone eavesdropping spy drone, of course.

Read full article here: FORBES

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Aldi recalls #Conficker-infected hard drives - #malware #worm

Aldi is recalling four-in-one Fission external hard drives infected with the Conficker worm and pulling them from shop shelves.

The Australian Computer Emergency Response Team warned consumers yesterday through the Attorney General's department to return the devices bought from the discount chain's shops. Consumers who had used the drives should run anti-virus over their PCs, the groups said. The $99 device had an external hard drive, DVD, USB and card reader.

Aldi said the worm, malicious software that copied itself between devices to infect them, was detected by Kaspersky anti-virus software.

Read full article here: SC MAGAZINE

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Japan’s #Cybercrime Problem

The March 11 disaster has brought with it yet another unwelcome side effect – an uptick in cybercrime.

Since the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, members of the public have been receiving virus-infected emails supposedly with information about the disaster, but which are actually being used to steal information. Some of the emails merely claim to be from government bodies, while others are sophisticated enough to look like they've been sent from government email accounts.

Read full article here: THE DIPLOMAT

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The Coming #Cyberwar

Despite having had decades to absorb the implications of a range of advances in information technology, the U.S. government remains largely unprepared for cyberwar. A case in point is provided by the Pentagon, which has just released its security policy toward cyberspace. The strategy it sketches out is replete with "initiatives," all of which are long on setting goals but curiously bereft of the means by which they might be attained. Even where there are some signs of the methods to be used, they seem for the most part quaint, rekindling as they do the concepts I remember being bruited about in the early 1990s.

Read full article here: THE NATIONAL INTEREST

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Is it time for the #Pentagon to turn #cyberwar over to someone else?

Despite its recent efforts to build security good enough to keep teenage hactivist groups out of its servers, let alone organized cadres of foreign cyberwarriors, the U.S. Department of Defense has spent so long delaying any effort to come up to speed on digital attack and defense that it has a long slog to just catch up to the present, let alone prepare for the future, according to a damning new report.

Read full article here: IT WORLD

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The Black and White Hats of #Hacking

The most serious recent hacking has been done by George Hotz who invaded the Sony Playstation 3 secure system. He documented his progress on a blog and announced his success on January 22, 2010. Later the system was hacked by other people using his tips and valuable data was stolen. Hotz faced many cyber crime charges and imprisonment but in the end Sony and Hotz patched up a deal on Hotz's promise that he would never again break into the Sony system.

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A #Hacker Speaks: How #Malware Might Blow Up Your Laptop

We depend on our computers to get work done, and so we try to safeguard them appropriately. But our trusty laptops, desktops, and tablets rely on their own internal network of sophisticated computer chips to function. These tiny chips--called microcontrollers--regulate everything from the battery in your laptop to the headlights on your car--and they aren't always so secure.

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Secure tokens: Preventing two-factor token authentication #hacker exploits

The recent RSA breach is just another in the quickly lengthening list of high-profile companies suffering from serious security incidents. RSA reported that what it called an advanced persistent threat (APT) was able to compromise some of its systems. While RSA was not breached by a vulnerability in SecurID, its token authenticationproduct, RSA reported data about SecurID was stolen, which some have speculated may increase the likelihood of future attacks against SecurID.

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28 July 2011

China vs. U.S.: The cyber Cold War is raging - #cyberwar

State-owned Internet company China Telecom tricked relays from around the world into routing traffic through its servers for about 18 minutes.

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Interpol presence strategic to Singapore #cybercrime purge

The opening of the Interpol Global Complex in Singapore will boost the city-state's efforts to curb cybercrime, as local law enforcement personnel can collaborate more closely with the international police organization as well as tap global intelligence for tackling high-tech crimes, in particular, and formulate the appropriate cybersecurity policies.

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Swatting: The Next Generation of #Cyberattacks

Call spoofing is a service that allows anyone to call a phone number and make the caller ID show any number that user desires. For example, using the service, you can call a friend and make it appear as if his own home phone is calling him. The real purpose of this service is likely mere entertainment, but in reality it has been causing a lot of chaos lately

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Ten Best Practices to Prevent Data and Privacy Breaches - #infosec #cybersecurity

The antics of groups like Anonymous andLulzSec over the past few months have made data breaches seem inevitable. If information security vendors like HBGaryand RSA Security aren't safe, what hope does an average SMB have? It is true that there is no silver bullet, and no impervious network security, but there are a variety of things IT admins can do to prevent network breaches and protect data and privacy better.

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Lockheed launched #UAV blimp

Because dirigibles were such a great idea the first, completely non-disastrous time around, Lockheed Martin and the US Army have teamed up to bring the quaint technology back into our hyper-modern era. The lighter-than-air vehicle got a new lease on unmanned flight life when it launched yesterday from its base in Akron, Ohio. 

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Chinese intercept US spy plane over Taiwan Straits - #china #military

Dangerous US behavior
By China Daily (July 26, 2011 22:21)

There have been reports that two Chinese fighter jets recently intercepted a US U-2 spy plane over the Taiwan Straits. When asked to comment on the incident, US Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Monday: "We both have to be very careful about how we fly them. We have to be careful about the intercepts."

His remarks certainly sound prudent, but they carefully avoided the crucial point - it is the US military's dangerous war games around China's air and maritime territory that have repeatedly triggered China's legitimate response.

The cause and effect should be clear to everyone.

And the United States shows no sign of giving up such games. Mullen reiterated on the same occasion that the US military "won't be deterred from flying in international airspace" on China's doorstep, despite opposition from Beijing.

Mullen did say that his country does not want a repeat of the incident in 2001, when a Chinese fighter jet and a US military reconnaissance plane collided near China's coast killing the Chinese pilot.

However, the onus is on the US to avoid such provocative flights, which can and will cause grave damage to relations between the two countries.

It is worth noting that military-to-military relations are the most difficult and delicate part of Sino-US ties. Military interaction has only resumed in recent months, through the painstaking efforts of both sides, after Beijing cut off defense ties last year when Washington announced a $6 billion weapons sale to Taiwan.

During Mullen's visit to China, Chen Bingde, the General Chief-of-Staff of the People's Liberation Army, also voiced his concern on potential miscalculations or even clashes between the two militaries.

While China welcomes the US military presence in Asia-Pacific for its constructive role in maintaining regional stability, that does not mean that China will compromise on issues relating to its territorial integrity or national security. Chen criticized the US naval drills in the South China Sea and attempted arms sale to Taiwan, and also urged the US to reduce or halt its military surveillance near China's coast.

Given the increasingly interdependent relations between China and the US, and the commitment by both governments to build a cooperative partnership in the 21st century, it is in both sides' interests to build and maintain good-neighborliness based on mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and national dignity.

Washington should show its political will and stop playing with guns on China's doorsteps.

"Good fences make good neighbors" the words of the American poet Robert Frost also hold true for this relationship.

Alibaba to launch mobile operating system - #mobile #ecommerce

Alibaba Group, the Chinese e-commerce company, is mounting a challenge to several leading technology companies with the launch of its own mobile operating system.

Beijing Tianyu Communications Equipment, a Chinese handset maker, will launch the first smartphone running on Aliyun, the new operating system, by the end of July, and release a tablet computer featuring Alibaba's operating system by the end of the year, Wang Jiang, president of Alibaba Cloud Computing, told reporters.

Read full article here: FINANCIAL TIMES

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Hacker group urges boycott of PayPal - #Anonymous #hackers

Anonymous, the hacker collective that supports whistleblower site WikiLeaks, posted an "official communique" to PayPal and its customers on Tuesday, urging people to close their accounts with the online payment service.

In the message, posted on the text-sharing site Pastebin,Anonymous and fellow hackers Lulzsec accuse PayPal of being unfair for refusing to allow donations to the controversial Wikileaks and for helping law enforcement track down hackers.

Read full article here: CNN

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Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race - #hackers #cyberwar

In the early morning hours of May 24, an armed burglar wearing a ski mask broke into the offices of Nicira Networks, a Silicon Valley startup housed in one of the countless nondescript buildings along Highway 101. He walked past desks littered with laptops and headed straight toward the cubicle of one of the company's top engineers. The assailant appeared to know exactly what he wanted, which was a bulky computer that stored Nicira's source code. He grabbed the one machine and fled. The whole operation lasted five minutes, according to video captured on an employee's webcam. Palo Alto Police Sergeant Dave Flohr describes the burglary as a run-of-the-mill Silicon Valley computer grab. "There are lots of knuckleheads out there that take what they can and leave," he says. But two people close to the company say that they, as well as national intelligence investigators now looking into the case, suspect something more sinister: a professional heist performed by someone with ties to China or Russia. The burglar didn't want a computer he could sell on Craigslist. He wanted Nicira's ideas.

Read full article here:BLOOMSBERG BW

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CEO says #LulzSec #hackers tried to extort data, money

That would mark the beginning of a weeklong saga of e-mail exchanges and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) discussions in which Hijazi says a group of hackers told him they wouldn't publicly divulge information they had gotten from snooping on his accounts if he revealed sensitive security information acquired by the botnet-tracking firm,Unveillance, that he launched last year. The hackers, who call themselves LulzSec, wanted to know the whereabouts of compromised computers on the Internet that when remotely controlled are used en masse to attack Web sites, he told CNET in an exclusive phone interview late last night.

Read more:CNET


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CAST Summit Unveils Advanced Network Defense Training in Washington D.C. - #hackers #cybersecurity

EC-Council's advanced network defense training course will be offered by its new Center of Advanced Security Training (CAST), at this year's inaugural CAST Summit (, August 22-25 in Washington D.C. The CAST Advanced Network Defense program will train security professionals in offensive attack strategies in order to identify threats, properly address them, and defend against today's Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). CAST also offers advanced, technical security training in the areas of penetration testing, application security, digital mobile forensics, exploit development and cryptography. The recent attacks against major companies demonstrate the devastating potential of lax policies in information security. CAST Summit aims to spark a change in the industry, by offering the most advanced and encompassing technical security training solutions available.

Read full article here: PRWEB

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Single Keystroke Nearly Self-Destructs #UAV Navy 'Copter - #cyberwar #military

An unmanned MQ-8B Fire Scout helicopter can launch by itself, fly by itself -- and with a single slip, can nearly blow up by itself.

According to a June 24 report from the Defense Department's director of operational test and evaluation, the critical error came when the drone's operator accidentally pressed the spacebar with a wire from his headset -- launching the self-destruct mechanism on the vehicle.

Read full article here: FOX NEWS

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Pirates of the ISPs: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks Into International Pariahs - #hackers #cybercrime

Cybercrime today seems like a nearly insoluble problem, much like piracy was centuries ago. There are steps, however, that can be taken to curb cybercrime's growth—and perhaps begin to marginalize the people behind it. Some of the methods used to sideline piracy provide a useful, if incomplete, template for how to get it done. Shutting down the markets for stolen treasure cut off the pirates' financial lifeblood; similar pushes could be made against the companies that support online criminals. Piracy was eventually brought to heel when nations took responsibility for what went on within its borders. Based on this precedent, cybercrime will only begin to be curbed when greater authority—and accountability—is exercised over the networks that form the sea on which these modern pirates sail. 

Read full article here: BROOKINGS

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Watch #th3j35t3r take down #Jihadist website with a single computer and #XerXes #DoS attack

Watch the take down of a Jihadist Website by theJ3st3r.

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#Hacker #Topiary speaks on TV, representing #Anonymous

Watch this collection of videos featuring of Topiary speaking on behalf of Anonymous.

Watch the video here: YouTube

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Personal data of 35 million #hacked in attack on South Korean social media sites

The personal information of about 35 million Internet users in South Korea was stolen in an alleged hacking attack that originated in China, officials said Thursday.

Hackers purportedly attacked popular Internet and social media sites Nate and Cyworld earlier this week, stealing data such as social security numbers and email addresses, the Korea Communications Commission said in a statement.

Read full article here: THE GLOBE & MAIL

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Mikko Hypponen: Fighting #viruses, defending the net from #hackers

Another great (and humorous) TED Talks video, this one from Mikko Hypponen about the history of computer viruses.

Watch video: TED TALKS

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#DHS Officials: Government Networks No More Vulnerable to #Cyberattacks

The House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held the first in a series of hearings on cybersecurity and securing the nation's critical infrastructure featuring two representatives from the Department of Homeland Security's cyberdivision.

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Experts say #cyberattacks on U.S. more frequent and sophisticated

The House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held the first in a series of hearings on cybersecurity and securing the nation's critical infrastructure featuring two representatives from the Department of Homeland Security's cyberdivision.

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#LulzSec spokesman arrest could incite more #cyberattacks

Scotland Yard just arrested the LulzSec spokesperson in the Shetland Islands in the north of Scotland on Wednesday. His real name wasn't released, and the only details that were given was that this individual is 19 years old (which fits in with the average age of some of the LulzSec and Anonymous hackers arrested so far) and he goes by the pseudonym "Topiary."

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27 July 2011

Targeted #Cyberattacks 10 Times More Profitable Than Mass Campaigns

It costs cybercriminals five times as much to pull off a targeted attack than a mass attack, but a targeted attack yields 10 times the profit, according to data in a report published by Cisco Systems today.

New research from Cisco's Security Intelligence Operations (SIO) illustrates a dramatic rise in targeted attacks and the corresponding decline of wide-net, mass attacks: While there have been half the number of mass email-borne attacks this year than last, targeted, personalized attacks have tripled in the past year. The bad guys made more than $1 billion a year ago via mass email-borne attacks, and about $500 million as of June 2011.

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}Cyberthugs love #smartphones and leaky, sneaky mobile #malware

Cyberthugs just love smartphones, especially Androids, since mobile phones can be loaded with most all the juicy personal and financial data that a computer can be. Despite all kinds of security firms warning that mobile malware is on the rise, many users still adore changing apps more often than undies. 

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Russia: #Hackers are winning the war against the US #cybersecurity

US cyber-security officials seem to be losing another battle in a war with international hackers' community. And this battle can be considered among the most critical. Randy Vickers – a US cyber security chief, who worked for the Department of Homeland Security, has unexpectedly resigned following a series of daring cyber-attacks on a number of Government agencies and institutions, including CIA, FBI and Senate. The very fact of a resignation of an official of such level demonstrates that US authorities are literally helpless before the face of an escalating threat of a cyber-war. While the alleged attackers - LulzSec and Anonymous describe themselves as groups of cyber-hooligans and anti-corporate activists, what could happen if the real terrorists would launch the attacks of the same scale
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Manilla: Anti #cybercrime office in DOJ created

PRESIDENT Aquino has ordered the creation of an Office for Cybercrime under the Department of Justice to address the rising incidence of of cybercrimes in the country.

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#Jacksonville man among indicted #PayPal #hackers - Florida Times

A Jacksonville man was among the 14 arrested across the country last week in the FBI's crackdown of online attacks on government and corporate websites.

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Boot up: #Cybercrime 'easier than ever'

An explosion of online fraud tools and services online makes it easier than ever for novices to get started in computer crime. At the same time, a growing body of evidence suggests that much of the world's cybercrime activity may be the work of a core group of miscreants who've been at it for many years

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First look inside the military's #cyberwar room

The Pentagon has confirmed that some of the nation's closely guarded secrets have been looted wholesale by spies who managed to break into government computers. [/i]
Plans for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, secret information about American satellites, and plans for a new fighter plane are gone, vacuumed up in computer hacking apparently by hostile governments.

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#London #Cybersecurity Rules Conference Set For November

The Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has given more details on the upcoming London-based cyber security conference he promisedearlier this year, designed to set international rules for how countries should behave online.

#Kenya: State Sets Up #CyberCrime Team

THE government has set up a computer emergency response team as a prerequisite to the consequent establishment of a fully fledged cyber crime combating department, Information Minister Sanuel Poghisio announced yesterday.

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#CyberAttacks and #Pentagon Responses

Last week, the Pentagon released its first Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace, which provided guidance for how the military should "organize, train, and equip for cyberspace as we do in air, land, maritime, and space to support national security interests." Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn, who revealed the Pentagon'sNational Security Space Strategy by characterizing space with the alliteration of "congested, contested, and competitive," bested himself in describing that in the cyber domain "bits and bytes can be as threatening as bullets and bombs."

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26 July 2011

#Stuxnet clones may target critical US systems, #DHS warns

Officials with the US Department of Homeland Security warned that hackers could attack the country's power generation plants, water treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure with clones of the Stuxnet computer worm, which was used to disrupt Iran's nuclear-enrichment operations.

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DoD #Cybersecurity Needs More Organization, GAO Report Says

The Defense Department has to better coordinate its cyber capabilities so that its efforts in cybersecurity are decentralized and spread across various offices, a General Accountability Report says.

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