
06 August 2011

Elite crime agency steps up its fight to catch internet #hackers

The e-crime unit at the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency is bringing in the raft of new investigators in response to increased demand for officers with the skills to tackle internet crime.

The plans to expand the unit have emerged in the wake of the arrest of an 18-year-old alleged computer hacker from Shetland, following an operation involving the agency and the Metropolitan Police.

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Whiff of Pakistani #cybercrime #hacker network

The Udaipur police seem to have stumbled upon a large network of cyber criminals operating out of Pakistan with the arrest of two persons from Gujarat and Chhattisgarh. Police have not ruled out the possibility ISI's hand in the racket. 

The arrests came after security agencies were alerted by the sudden increase in calls from Pakistan to dupe villagers near the border in some districts of Rajasthan. 

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#Cybercrime on the Rise: Can #Cybersecurity Firms Reverse The Trend?

Cyber Crime on the Rise: Can Cyber Security Firms Reverse The Trend?

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#China Denies Launching Shady RAT A#Cyberattacks

 When McAfee's report about massive global cyberattacks hit the news media, many observers were quick to point to China as the culprit. Now China is speaking out -- and aggressively denying the claims.

The People's Daily, the state-run newspaper in China, cited Chinese officials as condemning the accusations and said they don't "hold water." "It is irresponsible to link China to Internet hackers," Chinese officials said.

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The Cost of #Cybercrime

The Second Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study, sponsored by ArcSight, an HP company, is based on a representative sample of 50 organizations in various industry sectors. While the research focused on organizations located in the United States, many are multinational corporations. For consistency purposes, the benchmark sample consists of only larger-sized organizations (i.e., more than 700 enterprise seats).

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#Cyberattacks reveal that #Facebook and all systems open to #hackers

The Internet security firm McAfee has produced evidence that no computer system now in existence cannot be hacked. Also, what's been revealed as "hackers in China," have opened the computer security doors "to more than 70 governments, corporations and public and private organizations in 14 countries," stated an Aug. 4 PBS report that "shocked" computer science experts here at the University of Oregon in Eugene. In turn, the a PBS expert noted that "I do know that McAfee has been briefing Congress, the White House, other executive agencies. And I received a statement from Sen. Feinstein, the head of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, expressing her extreme concern after reading this (McAfee) report."

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#Blackat: #Antivirus Software Needs Transparency

The most common test for an antivirus utility involves showing it thousands or millions of samples and checking how many it recognizes. More advanced tests observe the product in action as it cleans up malware infestations and prevents attacks. Vulnerability researcher Tavis Ormandy feels this just isn't the right way to evaluate a product.

In a talk at the Black Hat conference Ormandy, better known as a Google infosec engineer, reported on a completely different approach. Ormandy contends that antivirus vendors should be completely open about the way their products work, rather than hiding behind market-speak and techno-babble.

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#AntiSec #Hackers Get Revenge on Police by Releasing Law Enforcement Data

AntiSec, a group of online hackers, said it breached 10 gigabytes of sensitive data from after gaining access to more than 70 U.S. law enforcement Web sites.

The hackers who claimed to have gotten emails, credit card information among other sensitive information, is said to be retaliating against the arrests of alleged members accused of hacking into the CIA, Britain's Serious Organized Crimes Agency, or SOCA, and Sony.

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Sony Wins 'Most Epic Fail' #Hacker Award, #LulzSec Loses To #Stuxnet

The name "Pwnie Awards" comes from "pwning" or "owning," popular slang among grey and black hat computer hackers who show off their skills by taking control of, or disrupting, networks. Trophies are said to be My Little Pony plastic figurines that are spray-painted in gold, though it's not because of craftsmanship that winners tend to avoid collecting their awards.

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#DEF CON: The event that scares #hackers

In the Masquerade wing of the Rio Hotel and Casino in the gambling capital of the world, there's a giant statue of a head hanging over a lobby of slot machines.

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Computer #hackers targeted police watchdog

Detectives are examining evidence that the watchdog body investigating police malpractice was targeted by computer hackers stealing information for unscrupulous private investigators.

They are investigating claims the hackers used bogus email addresses similar to ones used by officials from Independent Police Complaints Commission to plant computer viruses which enabled them to access confidential files.

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On guard for cyberspace

Malicious cyber attacks have become daily news. The targets are often commercial organizations, victims of industrial espionage being conducted at the strategic level by mysterious entities, probably with national backing. A new form of warfare is emerging that threatens the population beyond the commercial dimension. Canadians are vulnerable to this new threat, and must do something about it.

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#AntiSec #hackers release data from over 50 law enforcement agencies

In a massive 10GB data cache titled 'Shooting Sherrifs Saturday', the AntiSec organization released the contents of over 300 email accounts across 56 law enforcement agencies, police training videos and identities of persons submitting tips though an anonymous tip system. Email correspondence contains private information including social security numbers for police officers as well as credit card numbers, email addresses, home addresses and personal exchanges between officers. In addition, members of AntiSec claim to have used the stolen credit card numbers to place donations to the Bradley Manning Support Network, ACLU, Electronic Frontier Foundation and other organizations. 

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An Open Letter to #Defcon #Hackers: Don't Sell Out to the #NSA

Word on the internet is that the National Security Agency(NSA)—of which I'm sure you're well aware—has very publicly stated it's setting up shop at Defcon alongside corporations to recruit hackers to the dark side.

As reported by Reuters, Richard "Dickie" George, technical director of the NSA's Information Assurance Directorate (cyber defense wing)–we'll henceforth call him Simply Dick—is looking to recruit you to work on the "hardest problems on Earth." They're appealing to your ego, your vanity. Simply Dick is looking for hackers only in it for the game; those willing to become pro-state, or at least ideologically neutral.

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Want to plan a cyber war? Ask Bruce Willis

If you want to plan a cyber war, look no further than the Bruce Willis movie, Live Free or Die Hard. That may sound fishy, but that is what a former government cyber war expert told the Defconsecurity conference today in Las Vegas.

Chris Cleary, a former senior planner at the U.S. Cyber Command and manager of cyber strategy at security firm Sparta, isn't allowed to talk about the government's plans for cyber war. But he was able to analyze the 2007 Bruce Willis film, about a terrorist-hacker named Thomas Gabriel who seeks to bring down the nation through a series of cyber attacks. Willis supplies the firepower as a good hacker tries to fight back.

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#Defcon panel: #Anonymous is here. #LulzSec is here. They're everywhere

A panel at Defcon that focused on the hacktivist groups Anonymous and LulzSec was as confusing, chaotic and free-wheeling as the organizations themselves. The panel included a masked man, introduced as Baron von Arrr,  who spoke with authority about Anonymous, but, upon a request from the audience, he unmasked himself as a security expert and blogger who wasn't speaking for Anonymous.

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Is #LulzSec's Leader #Sabu at #DefCon?

Is Sabu at the DefCon security conference in Las Vegas? The LulzSec co-founder claimed to have been available Friday for a face-to-face meet up at the show in a series of tweets that turned into an exchange of taunts with an adversarial "hacktivist for good" who has made it his mission to unmask Sabu and other anonymous hackers.

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Facebook Offers Cash To 'Bug Bounty Hunters' At #DefCon #Hacker Conference

At the DefCon hacker conference this weekend in Las Vegas, a team from Facebook has been making the rounds and delivering an unusual message: Please hack us. We'll pay you for it.

The team, led by Facebook's Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan, is promoting the company's new "bug bounty program," which pays researchers to report security flaws in the social-networking site of more than 750 million active users.

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Hacktivist 'Jester' Took Down #LulzSec, #Anonymous Sites

The Jester, or rather th3j35t3r, deems himself as a "hacktivist for good" and "obstructing the lines of communication for terrorists, sympathizers, fixers, facilitators, and other general bad guys." He also claims to be somewhere between 31 and 49 years of age and "an ex-soldier with a rather famous unit" that served two hours of duty as an airborne combat trooper in Afghanistan and other places.

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Why did Japan surrender? A look back at nuclear warfare

For nearly seven decades, the American public has accepted one version of the events that led to Japan's surrender. By the middle of 1945, the war in Europe was over, and it was clear that the Japanese could hold no reasonable hope of victory. After years of grueling battle, fighting island to island across the Pacific, Japan's Navy and Air Force were all but destroyed. The production of materiel was faltering, completely overmatched by American industry, and the Japanese people were starving. A full-scale invasion of Japan itself would mean hundreds of thousands of dead GIs, and, still, the Japanese leadership refused to surrender.

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05 August 2011

#Hackers break into #Subaru Outback using #Android smartphone

A couple of geeks security researchers have made some interesting finds that they chose to show off at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. Don Bailey and Matthew Solnik from iSec Partners showed the crowd that by using an Android-powered smartphone and a technique they've called 'war texting', they could lock and unlock the doors on a new Subaru Outback and even start its engine all by remote.

The two set up their own custom GSM network and through that method, they were able to intercept password authentication messages between the server and the car. The entire process of them intercepting the messages took them only a couple of hours, the duo claimed.

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#Blackhat #Hackers can remotely attack insulin pumps and kill people

As if we didn't already have enough to be neurotic about, a man at the Black Hat Technical Security Conference gave a presentation detailing how he could take control of insulin pumps from miles away and kill his victims.
Take a minute to panic. Now keep reading.

Jerome Radcliffe is a diabetic. The nefarious hack he presented at the conference Thursday was a response to his condition. "I have two devices attached to me at all times; an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor".

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As Targeted E-mail #Hacker Attacks Proliferate, Companies Wince

The strange e-mails arrived in executives' inboxes around the same time that the Australian oil company was negotiating a deal with a Chinese energy company.

The e-mails had the same structure and format as those sent around the company and were baited with text that appeared to refer to a supposed continuing discussion between executives. The messages looked authentic from a nontechnical perspective, just part of normal electronic communication within a company.

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US Cybercops Caught Flat-Footed by Massive Global #Cyberattack

Title: US Cybercops Caught Flat-Footed by Massive Global Cyberattack
in Operation Shady Rat. China is prime suspect

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#Al-Qaeda likely to launch #cyberattacks globally: Ex-CIA official

Former Central Intelligence Agency's Counter-Terrorism head Cofer Black has said that a battered al-Qaeda, following Osama bin Laden's death, could enter cyberspace to launch a global jihad against the West.

Black said al-Qaeda would resort to "small and agile" tactics, including online attacks.

"They will enter the cyber world because it's comparatively remote, comparatively safer than strapping on a bomb," ABC News quoted Black, as saying at a Black Hat Technical Security Conference in Las Vegas.

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Defense Secretary warns of perils of #cyberattac by #hackersk

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warns that the United States must remain diligent in protecting itself from terrorist attacks, including possible cyber-attacks.

Panetta says the country could face a cyber-attack that would be equivalent to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He says such an attack "could virtually paralyze this country."

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The #Cyberwar Unfolds

As the Economist explains, cyberspace is the fifth domain of warfare. The other four domains are land, sea, air, and space. To oversee this fifth domain the Pentagon initiated U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) last May. Aside from human capital, the United States' cyberspace is arguably the greatest national asset and any assault against it is concern of national security. 

According to the McAffee report by Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president, the security breaches in recent years under Operation Shady RAT "is the biggest transfer of wealth in terms of intellectual property in history." The security expert, Jim Lewis, at CSIS was quoted by Reutersstating that "[e]verything points to China," which has been confirmedelsewhere. From the breach at the International Olympic Committee before the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing to the recent attack on RSA, China has been linked to many of the security breaches. 

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#Anonymous #hackers warns of more attacks on govt websites

PETALING JAYA: "Anonymous", a group of hackers who claimed responsibility for hacking government websites in June, has threatened to launch fresh attacks on Oct 24.

Its goal this time – revealed through a 5.25-minute YouTube video clip – is to undermine Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia campaign.

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Guardians of Internet Security Are #Hacker Targets

Title: Guardians of Internet Security Are Targets

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Scotland Yard tries to take on #Anonymous

The British Metropolitan police - aka Scotland Yard - has issued a public warning to UK cyber activists linked to the Anonymous collective.

"The investigation into the criminal activity of so-called 'hacktivist' groups #Anonymous and #LulzSec continues. We [also] want to remind people of the law in this area," Scotland Yard wrote in an official (extended) tweet.

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A Homemade #Hacker Drone Snoops on #Wireless Networks

Meet WASP, the Wireless Aerial Surveillance Platform, one of the star attractions of this year's Black Hat conference for computer security professionals in Las Vegas.

It's a remote-controlled plane with a computer in its belly that can fly up to 400 feet above the ground, snoop quietly on wireless networks below and attack one if it wants to. It can also pretend to be a GSM cellphone tower, eavesdropping on calls and text messages that pass through.

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EFF tells #Cisco to help curb abuses in China

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has told Cisco to help stop the Chinese government from violating the human rights of its citizens.

The group is reacting to the networking firm's earlier announcement that it would help the Chinese government build up an extensive camera surveillance network in Chongqing. This, as well as its assistance in building the Great Firewall of China, should give it enough leverage to convince its new friend to stop abusing its citizens' human rights.

"This is the same company that sold equipment to China to build the Great Firewall, which prevents Chinese Internet users from accessing much of the Internet, including online references to the Tiananmen Square protests, information on China's human rights abuses, and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter," wrote the EFF's Jillian York in a blog post.

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China scoffs at #hacking suggestion

China's top official newspaper on Friday dismissed as irresponsible suggestions Beijing was the "state actor" behind massive Internet hacking of governments and companies that security company McAfee this week said it had discovered.

The report in the People's Daily, the main mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party, did not quote any official reaction to the hacking allegations but is the closest to an official response that Beijing has given to the McAfee report.

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#Dell researcher follows #RSA #hacker trail to China

Computerworld - Malware used in the attack against RSA Security earlier this year was controlled from China, a well-known botnet researcher said Wednesday.

Joe Stewart, director of malware research for Dell SecureWorks, traced the command-and-control (C&C) servers used to oversee the RSA attack to networks in Beijing and Shanghai.


#China state newspaper disputes #hacker involvement

People's Daily dismisses 'irresponsible' claims of Beijing involvement in global cyber-campaign that hit 72 organisations

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China scoffs at #hacking suggestion

China's top official newspaper on Friday dismissed as irresponsible suggestions Beijing was the "state actor" behind massive Internet hacking of governments and companies that security company McAfee this week said it had discovered.

The report in the People's Daily, the main mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party, did not quote any official reaction to the hacking allegations but is the closest to an official response that Beijing has given to the McAfee report.

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04 August 2011

#DHS issues #Anonymous threat assessment

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued an unclassified threat assessment detailing the tactics and capabilities of Anonymous.

Although the DHS claimed Anonymous hasn't demonstrated "any capability" to damage critical infrastructure, the department did (grudgingly) acknowledge that certain members have displayed "moderately higher levels" of skill and creativity - as is evidenced in operations where a combination of methods and techniques were employed to target multiple networks.

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Chinese #Hackers are stealing America's secrets and we are not fighting back

Hackers have attacked America's defense establishment, as well as companies from Google to Morgan Stanley to security giant RSA, and fingers point to China as the culprit. The author gets an exclusive look at the raging cyber-war—Operation Aurora! Operation Shadyrat!—and learns why Washington has been slow to fight back. Related: Michael Joseph Gross goes inside Operation Shady rat.

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McAfee Report Outlines Global #CyberSpying Operation by Chinese #Hackers

More than 70 companies, governments and non-profit organizations around the world were attacked by hackers in a massive cyberspying operation that experts say was likely conducted by China.

In a report released Wednesday, the security firm McAfee said the five-year mission included a wide range of victims, including the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee, a Department of Energy Research Laboratory and nearly two dozen defense contractors. The victims were spread across more than a dozen countries, though 49 of the 72 identified targets were located in the United States.

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North Korean #hackers hired to attack South #Korea game network

SEOUL (Reuters) - More than 30 North Korean hackers were hired to work in China by a South Korean crime ring to steal the personal data of South Korean gamers, and channeled $5 million to their impoverished country in compensation, South Korea's police said on Thursday.

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#Hackers Take $1 Billion a Year from Company Accounts Banks Won't Indemnify #Cybercrime

Valeina Allison got a call from her bank on a busy morning two years ago about a wire transfer from her company's account. She told the manager she hadn't approved the transfer. The problem was, her computer had.

As Allison, chief executive officer of Sterling Heights, Michigan-based Experi-Metal Inc., was to learn, her company computer was approving other transfers as she spoke. During hours of frantic phone calls with her bank, Allison, 45, was unable to stop this cybercrime in progress as transfer followed transfer. By day's end, $5.2 million was gone.

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Hackers Take $1 Billion a Year from Company Accounts Banks Won't Indemnify

Valeina Allison got a call from her bank on a busy morning two years ago about a wire transfer from her company's account. She told the manager she hadn't approved the transfer. The problem was, her computer had.

As Allison, chief executive officer ofSterling Heights, Michigan-based Experi-Metal Inc., was to learn, her company computer was approving other transfers as she spoke. During hours of frantic phone calls with her bank, Allison, 45, was unable to stop this cybercrime in progress as transfer followed transfer. By day's end, $5.2 million was gone.


Operation Shady RAT: five-year #hacker attack hit 14 countries

The governments of the United States, Canada, and South Korea, as well as the UN, the International Olympic Committee, and 12 US defense contractors were among those hacked in a five-year hacking campaign dubbed "Operation Shady RAT" by security firm McAfee, which revealed the attacks. Many of the penetrations were long-term, with 19 intrusions lasting more than a year, and five lasting more than two. Targets were found in 14 different countries, across North America, Europe, India, and East Asia.

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#BlackHat: #Hacker Document Exploits Continue to Evolve

The ability of the Stuxnet cyberattack to physically impact equipment has made cybersecurity significantly more important for U.S. domestic security strategy, a former counterterrorism official told attendees during the opening keynote at the Black Hat Security Briefings in Las Vegas.

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#Stuxnet Changes Terrorism Equation, Says Former CIA Official - #blackhat

The ability of the Stuxnet cyberattack to physically impact equipment has made cybersecurity significantly more important for U.S. domestic security strategy, a former counterterrorism official told attendees during the opening keynote at the Black Hat Security Briefings in Las Vegas.

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03 August 2011

US prepares for worst-case scenario with #Pakistan #nukes

As U.S.-Pakistani relations spiral downward, the specter of a showdown between the increasingly antagonistic allies is garnering more attention, including the worst-case scenario of the U.S. attempting to "snatch" Pakistan's 100-plus nuclear weapons if it feared they were about to fall into the wrong hands.

That would be a disastrous miscalculation, former Pakistani President and army chief Pervez Musharraf told NBC News, saying that such an incursion would lead to "total confrontation" between the United States and Pakistan.

Read full article here: MSNBC OPEN CHANNEL

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Meet Dark Tangent, the #hacker behind #BlackHat and #DEFCON

The word "hacker" evokes all kinds of scary images. But Jeff Moss says hackers are exactly what the world needs more of, because they can make the Internet safer for the rest of us. "Hacking is sort of a skill set -- it's neutral. You can be a criminal hacker or you can be a noncriminal hacker," Moss said on the eve of two of the world's biggest hacker conferences, Black Hat and DEF CON, which he founded. Both gatherings take place this week in Las Vegas casinos.

Read full article here: CNN

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Governments, IOC and UN hit by massive #cyberattacks and #China is the main suspect

IT security firm McAfee claims to have uncovered one of the largest ever series of cyber attacks.

It lists 72 different organisations that were targeted over five years, including the International Olympic Committee, the UN and security firms.

McAfee will not say who it thinks is responsible, but there is speculation that China may be behind the attacks.

Read full article here: BBC

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Global cyber-espionage operation uncovered #cyberwar #hackers

 A widespread cyber-espionage campaign that stole government secrets, sensitive corporate documents and other intellectual property for five years from more than 70 public and private organizations in 14 countries has been uncovered by a McAfee researcher, Vanity Fair reported today.

The campaign, dubbed "Operation Shady RAT," was discovered by Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research at the cyber-security firm McAfee. It continues today, he said. Alperovitch has briefed senior White House officials, government agencies, and congressional staff and is working with U.S. law enforcement to shut down the operation's command-and-control server, according to the report.

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Experts say #cyberattacks on U.S. more frequent and sophisticated

Remaining defiant after their "spokesman" was arrested, hackers attacked yet another US government contractor, leaking its sensitive data online.

The Hacker News reported early Tuesday (Manila time) that Operation AntiSec published 110 users' emails and passwords of PCS Consultants (USA) onto Pastebin.

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#AntiSec #hackers strike back at US gov't

Remaining defiant after their "spokesman" was arrested, hackers attacked yet another US government contractor, leaking its sensitive data online.

The Hacker News reported early Tuesday (Manila time) that Operation AntiSec published 110 users' emails and passwords of PCS Consultants (USA) onto Pastebin.

Read full article: Gives Every Workplace an Anonymous Water Cooler

Office Leaks (, a new social media platform created for employees, is changing workplace culture from the inside out by giving every office an anonymous forum. This allows employees to freely express their thoughts without navigating office politics or the threat of repercussions.

"Office Leaks is genuinely 'pro-employee' in an economy that is not," says Ryan Masanz, the site's creator. "Every day we hear about lay-offs, foreclosures, and bills targeting workers' rights -- and the decision to stand up and speak your mind is a difficult one. Office Leaks levels the playing field to encourage challenging ideas and honest criticism."

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Met tweets warning to would-be #Anon #hacktivists

The Met has warned would-be "hacktivists" that its investigation into Anonymous and LulzSec continues, and that suspects potentially face a 10-year jail sentence.

Police took the usual step of issuing the warning via Twitter, which members and supporters of the hacking groups have often used to seek publicity and communicate.

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#Anonymous to Retire Low Orbit Ion Cannon? #loic

Anonymous is considering putting itsmost formidable DDoS weapon   in cold storage following a recent series of high-profile arrests of the hacker group's members, according to the AnonOps blog.

Members of Anonymous are pushing to retire the group's Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) while the loosely organized hacker collective develops a new DDoS tool to take down websites called #RefRef, an AnonOps Communications blog post revealed Tuesday.

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02 August 2011

#Pentagon to Use Facebook, Twitter in #CyberWarfare

Military officials and contractors today discussed goals for using social media for military defense, including using messaging to identify, detect, recognize and even send counter-messaging that would thwart enemy plans. The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has already sent a proposal to several contractors, which promises up to $42 million in funding for any plans that will help it meet its social media goals.

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Russians say the Web Will Win in #CyberWar

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#Hackers attack #zero-day flaw in WordPress themes

Malicious hackers have pounced on a zero-day vulnerability in a widely used image-resizing utility that ships with themes for the popular WordPress blogging platform.

The timthumb utility, used to handlecropping, zooming and resizing web images, is used by millions of blogs running certain themes and because it writes files into a directory during the image-resizing process, it can be used to launch web attacks.

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