
07 August 2011

Are We Too Late to Catch Up? Analysis of the WH #Cyberspace Policy

President Barack Obama directed a 60-day comprehensive review be conducted of the nation's cyber

security policy and procedures as they relate to national security and securing critical infrastructure.

The review team was comprised of a cross-section of cyber security experts from government, academia

and industry. Their report, Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure was released with recommendations that outline a new way forward

toward building and protecting a reliable and secure national digital infrastructure.


It comes as no surprise that the review panel reports that the federal government is woefully under

prepared for the daily onslaught of cyber-attacks this nation faces. The American people have

been reading headlines that the Chinese government has been stealing our national secrets via

cyber espionage for years. Now it seems you can find stories in the news about how post-Eastern

bloc cybercriminals are raking millions from U.S. citizens every day. The government seems almost

overwhelmed to the point of paralysis with how to handle the problem. Despite a handful of high

profile arrests, hactivist groups like Anonymous continue to take down the websites of the CIA and the

FBI with ease.


View complete blog here: CYBERWAR_NEWS

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