
10 August 2011

#Cyberwar fears: disaggregating the #hacker threat

My man Mark Thompson puts up a cheeky post yesterday that I most heartily approved of. In it he speaks of cyberwar worrywarts and rightly fears that, as the terror war recedes in some priority, new little piggies approach the DoD trough. And as these cyberwar advocates find such a prime target in China, I would note that their efforts merge with those of the big-war crowd that also hopes to regain ascendancy - despite the overall budget crunch.

Now, Mark gets immediately taken to task by none other the great Bruce Sterling over at Wired (HT, Craig Nordin). All contretemps concerning Jules Verne aside, Sterling's points don't negate Mark's post really at all. He just argues orthogonally that the Chinese cyber thievery is vast - meaning global, and that the general background noise of nasty bits floating around global IT networks are getting truly serious (beyond ankle biting, as he puts it). Sterling casually dismisses the whole get-rich-quick effort by cyberwar enthusiasts in the defense community by saying this is normal behavior.

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