
30 August 2011

The evolution of flash mobs from pranks to crime and revolution | #OpBART #SFBART #hactivist

CW_N note: Not sure the BART protesters would call themselves a "flash mob".  Interesting article about the subject nonetheless.

They had instructions to carry masks, wear black and converge en masse to foment chaos at specific times and places. They were divided into green, yellow and red risk categories. They were compartmentalized into cells to avoid compromising the secret master plan.
They weren't terrorists, but a so-called flash mob that BART spokesman Linton Johnson said was hell-bent on disrupting train service on Aug. 11.
Such flash mobs — seemingly spontaneous gatherings of people organized by mobile phones and social networks — can range from cute forums for creative expression to a powerful tool in the anarchist playbook. From the protests of BART and the so-called Arab Spring to recent U.S. flash mob robberies and the organized looting in London, 2011 is shaping up as the year of the flash mob.

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