
30 August 2011

From the Makers of “Gaddafi is Killing His Own People” Doha Studio Presents | #psyops #Libya #arabspring

"...The blood of the Americans is flowing like rivers through the streets of Bagdad!" - Bagdad Bob during the Iraq invasion.

Surpassing previous mass media fabrications, both in scale and boldness, yesterday morning's Al Jazeera mise-en-scène will surely go down in history as one of the most cynical hoaxes committed by corporate media since the manipulated pictures of Iraqis topplying Saddam Hussein's statue after the US invasion in 2003.

On the morning of August 22nd 2011, Al Jazeera aired a 'live' report from Green Square in Tripoli,which claimed to show the capture of the Libyan capital by rebel forces. Scenes of jubilation and euphoria enveloped Al Jazeera's reporter Zeina Khodr as she declared: " Liya is in the hands of the opposition"

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