08 August 2011

#Hackers steal frequent flyer miles to use as currency

Unsatisfied with stealing bank account information from their victims, cybercriminals steal frequent flyer miles, too. The miles are used as currency among some of the miscreants, according to a report released today by the malware fighters at the Kaspersky Lab.

"In one IRC [Internet Relay Chat] message, a cybercriminal was selling access to a Brazilian botnet that sends spam in exchange for 60,000 miles, while, in another message, air miles were offered for stolen credit cards," Kaspersky analyst Vyacheslav Zakorzhevsky wrote in the company's monthly malware statistics report.

"This coincides with our predictions for 2011 in which we stated that cybercriminals would be interested in all kinds of information and ready to steal absolutely everything," he added.

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