
02 August 2011

How to Be A Private Sector Cyber Mercenary - #hackers #whitehat

Gen. Michael Hayden, former NSA and CIA Director under President George W. Bush, suggested Friday that mercenaries could be the solution to the growing number of digital break-ins.

While making my customary reading rounds checking in on security issues, I happened upon this article at "" and I thought it would be interesting and amusing for everyone here to look into and discuss:

Hayden told the Aspen Security Forum that in the near future, the Department of Defense may have to allow the creation of a "digital Blackwater."

Private sector offense "might be one of those big new ideas in terms of how we have to conduct ourselves in this new cyber domain," Hayden explained. "You think back long enough in history and there are times when the private sector was responsible for its own defense."

"We may come to a point where defense is more actively and aggressively defined even for the private sector and what is permitted there is something that we would never let the private sector do in physical space ... Let me really throw out a bumper sticker for you. How about a digital Blackwater?" he suggested.

Read full article here: INFOSEC ISLAND

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