
23 August 2011

In the Global Cyberwar, China Is a Dragon, America is a Nuclear Stealth Bomber #china #DoD #hackers

Somewhere between the breathless reporting on China's state-sponsored hacking offensive, the perceived threat of hackers from former Soviet republics, and the "hacktivist" activities of amorphous bodies like Anonymous and Wikileaks, we seem to have forgotten something about the U.S.: Washington has long been a leader, if not the undisputed master, in espionage and counter-intelligence. That prowess doesn't end at the door of cyberspace.

Remember: the U.S. isn't just the birthplace of Silicon Valley, the NSA and the movie Hackers. It's the country with a nearly $60 billion black ops budget – a number that, even amidst a spending crisis, rose 3% from 2011 and will hold steady in 2012.

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