
17 August 2011

Public safety can benefit when bad hackers go good | #infosec #cyberwar #blackhat

Leading computer security firm McAfee recently released a report on the hacking allegedly originating in China of corporations and government organizations. Targets included corporate networks, the International Olympic Committee, the U.N. secretariat, a U.S. Energy Department lab and a dozen U.S. defense firms. The report, "Revealed: Operation Shady RAT," is an investigation of targeted intrusions during the last five years.

Cyber attacks are real. And it's not major U.S. targets that are vulnerable. Small- and medium-sized first-responder agencies are as well. Last weekend, the Cape Girardeau (Mo.) County Sheriff's Department found itself among the more than 70 law-enforcement agencies that were cyber-attacked by an infamous global group of hackers known as Anonymous. The group stole massive amounts of confidential information, according to reports.

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