16 August 2011

Watch out for botnet-driven Google Dorks, the next automated cyber attacks | #hackers #infosec #botnet

Botnets have been taking down web sites for years by overwhelming sites with too much traffic. But now the swarms of compromised computers are being unleashed for the first time on an old kind of vulnerability: Google Dorks.

Google Dorks have been around for a while, as the name for an attack where hackers scan web sites, using commonly used links within company networks, to see if there are any unsecure links that can be used to break into a company's web site. A report being released today by Imperva warns that the combination of the highly automated botnets and the Google Dorks are a new vector for hackers to break into companies on a massive scale.

Read full article: http://bit.ly/nYRNQE

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