
06 September 2011

Libya: Tell it like it is | #NATO #TNC #ghadafi

Two weeks ago, western journalists swept into Tripoli on a wave of euphoria as the city welcomed the NATO/TNC with open arms. Not a shot was fired as the city where just a few weeks previously, millions of people had turned out to support Muammar al-Qathafi, came out to celebrate. Then why is the NATO/TNC leadership still holed up in Benghazi?

Did Tripoli "fall" two weeks ago, or were we fed a classic piece of disinformation during NATO's blackout? If the images we were receiving were true, then why were all telecommunications hacked in a classic case of cyber terrorism by NATO? Why did NATO continue to carry out terrorist attacks on Government forces in Tripoli after it "fell"? Why did NATO cut the electricity and water supply to the civilian population to "break" them, if the city had fallen into the hands of the NATO/TNC terrorist forces? Did NATO special forces enter the arena? If so, this was a violation of the UNSC resolutions covering the case.

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