
16 September 2011

Website Claims Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street | #occupywallstreet #dayofrage #NYC

Editor's note - Although I do not subscribe to this particular point of view we bring you this story as part of our goal to bring our readers " from all sides of the conflict".

The artwork associated with a political movement says a lot about that movement.

The US Day of Rage's Twitter feed features a photo of a defaced ten-dollar bill. Someone has added black hair and a Hitler moustache to Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, whom Congress honored in 1999 as "the man who more than any other designed the Government of the United States."

The Founders as Nazis: that's what the leftists who plan to occupy Wall Street tomorrow think of the American experiment. It's not as if the media-savvy organizers of the US Day of Rage don't understand the significance of the Founders. The event's website constantly invokes the name of Publius, the pseudonym that Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay shared as they wrote The Federalist Papers.

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