21 September 2011
Comodo hacker claims more CA breaches | #diginotar #verisign #ssl
DigiNotar files for bankruptcy | #ssl #comodohacker #ca
Disgraced digital certificate firm DigiNotar has filed for bankruptcy in The Netherlands.
Hackers broke into DigiNotar's systems in June before creating forged digital certificates in the names of Google and other high-profile targets. The forged SSL credentials were used to spy on 300,000 Iranian internet users, according to a subsequent analysis of authentication lookup logs on DigiNotar's systems. Comodohacker, the boastful Iranian black hat who had claimed credit for an earlier attack on digital certificate firm Comodo, also claimed credit for the DigiNotar hack.
Read full article: September 2011
7 Lessons: Surviving A Zero-Day Attack | #pnnl #iw500 #apt
Cyber attacks coincide with 80th anniversary of Manchurian Incident | #china #Japan #cyberwar
The wave of cyber attacks targeting the Japanese government and Japanese companies come in the wake of the 80th anniversary of the Manchurian Incident, which triggered the full-scale Japanese invasion of China.
On Sept 18 1931, a small amount of dynamite was used to damage a stretch of the railroad operated by Japan's South Manchuria Railway close to the town of Mukden, which is now known as Shenyang.
Read full article: tells arms supplier to probe cyber attack | #Mitsubishi #china #cyberwar
Japan told its biggest weapons supplier, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, to investigate a cyber attack on its computers on Tuesday, warning it may have breached contracts to supply billions of dollars of equipment by keeping quiet about the online assault.
Under the terms of an agreement the government imposes on all contractors, companies are obliged to inform it promptly of any breach of sensitive or classified information, a defense official said. Defense officials learnt of the August attack from local press reports Monday.
Read full article: Anonymous Members Writing a Book About Anonymous | #hackers #cyberwar
Two prominent Anonymous associates are shopping around a book detailing the exploits of the hacktivist group from the inside, according to the Observer. But will anyone want to read it?
One co-author, Barrett Brown (above, in a still from an interview with NBC News), is an ex-heroin junkie from Dallas, Texas. He was an Anonymous spokesman until quitting over the direction the group was taking. The other author, Gregg Housh, is from Boston and became a de facto Anonymous spokesman because he appeared in a few news articles during Anonymous' anti-Scientology protests and journalists kept on calling him for comments.
Read full article: Web-Fomented Protest On Wall Street Is Louder Online Than Off | #anonymous #occupywallstreet #groundzero
Even by participants' own estimates, the ongoing OccupyWallStreet demonstration in New York City hasn't been very big--between 500 and 700 protestors near the famous bronze bull statue at its peak on Saturday afternoon attended, and perhaps 200 slept over in a park near Ground Zero on Saturday and Sunday nights.
But this small action against bank bailouts, public spending cuts, and money in politics has drawn an outsized presence in the tech and media world. Highlights include high Twitter hashtag rankings, realtime crowd-sourced mapping, SEO optimization, and the possible involvement of WikiLeaks and hacker collective Anonymous.
Read full article: Street Protests Continue, With at Least 6 Arrested | #occupywallstreet #CNN #wallstreet
In a continuation of the demonstrations that began on Saturday, nearly 200 protesters marched along Wall Street and other parts of the financial district Monday morning, brandishing American flags and signs denouncing the economic system. At least six of them were arrested.
Office workers heading to their desks passed the protesters on the sidewalks with little incident. At times, the two groups squeezed shoulder to shoulder through narrow passages formed by metal police barricades.
The first three arrests came on Pine Street, when a police lieutenant ordered that two men wearing ski masks be taken into custody. Officers then arrested a woman wearing a plastic mask on the back of her head.
Read full article: Things You Can Do to Support the Protesters | #occupywallstreet #NYC #banksters
One in three PC users doesn't update their security software | #antivirus #AVG #cybercrime
One in three UK PC users doesn't update their security software, says AVG.
A report compiled on behalf of the security firm byThe Future Laboratory revealed those aged 18 to 34 are the most reckless age group when it comes to updating their security software, despite growing up with an awareness of digital threats. AVG believes if they continue to behave like this there's a chance that in the future a cybercrime disaster that affects not just personal users but also businesses and governments could occur.
Read full article: hawks hit Barack Obama on $4.2bn Taiwan deal | #F16 #china #DoD
The US sale of weapons to Taiwan is the biggest issue of conflict between the superpower and China, and has grown in significance as the Asian giant has pushed ahead with its military modernisation.
US officials began briefings about the deal in Washington on Saturday, and reports emerged that the sale would include fresh parts for Taiwan's F-16 warplanes - two of which crashed last week - but no new planes
Read full article: could provide updated intelligence on North Korean missile sites | #uav #china #dmz
19 September 2011
Comodo hacker claims more CA breaches | #diginotar #SSL #Iran
The Cool Maneuvers and Battle On the Net | #cyberwar #cybercrime #infosec
中国黑客发誓要结束网络犯罪 |#honkers #china #COG
Chinese hackers pledge to reject cybercrime | #china #GongWei #WanTao
Two prominent Chinese hackers have released a convention calling for the rejection of cybercrime and are asking their peers to support it, as China is increasingly seen as the source of international hacking attacks and cybertheft.
The two hackers, Gong Wei and Wan Tao, released their "Hackers' Self-Discipline Convention" to the Chinese media and posted its contents on the internet. The hackers declined to offer further comment, but the document presents itself as a moral code that outlines appropriate hacking activities and eschews cybercrime.
Read full article: risks from new cybercrime threats | #AVG #wetware #antivirus
Wall Street May Be Blocked Off Again as Police Monitor Protests | #occupywallstreet #anonymous #NYC
New York City police may limit access to Wall Street for a third day, requiring workers and residents to show identification, after a weekend of protests targeting financial firms.
The arrangements, including the identification requirement, "will be re-assessed" this morning, Paul Browne, a police spokesman, said in an e-mail.
Read full article: Begin Effort to 'Occupy Wall Street' | #wallstreet #protest #anonymous
Protesters are gathering on Wall Street today in a movement they call "Occupy Wall Street."
As of noon, hundreds of protesters gathered at Bowling Green Park in Manhattan, home of the iconic charging bull in New York's Financial District as they prepare to "take the bull by the horns," as said on a flyer advertising the event.
"The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%," said a statement on the website Occupy Wall Street.
Read full article:
18 September 2011
Photos: Anonymous's Occupation Of Wall Street | #occupywallstreet #CNN #nypd
According to some #OccupyWallSt: Just a Saturday Stroll Through the Park | #adbusters #dayofrage
Protesters invade NYC Financial District | #occupywallstreet #foxnews #CNN
More than 1,000 demonstrators descended on New York City's Financial District on Saturday for what could be a days-long protest of what they said was corporate greed favoring the rich at the expense of ordinary people.
The rally, dubbed #OccupyWallStreet on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook where word was spread, spurred the New York Police Department to lock down Wall Street near the New York Stock Exchange and Federal Hall, local media reported.
Read full article: Networking Spurs Wall Street Protest | #occupywallstreet #CNN #annonymous
Sometimes you come across a story that really warms the cockles of your heart. I am talking, of course, about the report on UBS's star trader, Kweku M. Adoboli who lost $2 billion. He is only 31 years old. Now, what had you accomplished by the time you were 31? Mr. Adoboli had risen through the ranks to the point that he was entrusted with a trading account that let him accumulate a loss of $2 billion. Imagine this guy's potential! Limitless opportunities await him on Wall Street—at least, once he gets out of prison. And he could open a "think tank" like Michael Milken, devoted to proving that his trades might possibly have made good if only the world had cooperated.
It Takes Real Skill to Lose $2 Billion | #ubs #bankster #occupywallstreet
Sometimes you come across a story that really warms the cockles of your heart. I am talking, of course, about the report on UBS's star trader, Kweku M. Adoboli who lost $2 billion. He is only 31 years old.
Now, what had you accomplished by the time you were 31? Mr. Adoboli had risen through the ranks to the point that he was entrusted with a trading account that let him accumulate a loss of $2 billion. Imagine this guy's potential! Limitless opportunities await him on Wall Street—at least, once he gets out of prison. And he could open a "think tank" like Michael Milken, devoted to proving that his trades might possibly have made good if only the world had cooperated.