
18 September 2011

It Takes Real Skill to Lose $2 Billion | #ubs #bankster #occupywallstreet

Sometimes you come across a story that really warms the cockles of your heart. I am talking, of course, about the report on UBS's star trader, Kweku M. Adoboli who lost $2 billion. He is only 31 years old. 

Now, what had you accomplished by the time you were 31? Mr. Adoboli had risen through the ranks to the point that he was entrusted with a trading account that let him accumulate a loss of $2 billion. Imagine this guy's potential! Limitless opportunities await him on Wall Street—at least, once he gets out of prison. And he could open a "think tank" like Michael Milken, devoted to proving that his trades might possibly have made good if only the world had cooperated.

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