09 August 2011

Johnny Long, charity #hacker, announces #InfoSec without Borders #anon

Renowned hacker extraordinaire Johnny Long was once famous for attacking server vulnerabilities by using certain Google search terms, but for some time he's been know as a leader of the good guys in the security world. He's a guy who's tried to bring one of the original meaning of hacking (it's a term that will forever be debated) back into the forefront: not cracking bank security, nor hanging out on rollerblades with Angelina Jolie, but using analytical, observational and tech skills to make things more efficient, user friendly and secure.

CNET's Elinor Mills had a great chat with Long at the DefCon security conference in Las Vegas about his newest charity venture. In 2008, Long started a nonprofit called Hackers for Charity that's been a model of success in utilizing the resources of the hacking community to offer serious IT help to those in need.

Read full article: http://bit.ly/nYR0HB

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