
12 August 2011

Did #Anonymous #hackers create a 4G #botnet at DefCon?

HACKERS AT DEFCON 19 were given a taste of their own medicine by pranksters from Anonymous and Lulzsec, according to a recent posting on the Seclists security disclosure web site.

The security conference that took place last week is a way for hackers and crackers to show off new techniques and flaws and flex their collective muscles, but it seems that a less than obvious experiment was also taking place.

"While most were enjoying libations or talks a very interesting event was taking place at the conference. We're all familiar with the hostility of WiFi and GSM networks at DEF CON, however, this year the most hostile network on earth was not 802.11; it was CDMA and 4G!," reads the introduction to thedisclosure made by a poster called Coderman.

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