
12 August 2011

US and Russia "reset" their cybersecurity relationship #cyberwar #infosec

The United States and Russia have for several years been engaged in a high-level diplomatic "reset" of their relationship, complete with a physical "reset" button; now, that "reset" has been extended to the Internet.

The current goal of a better working relationship with Russia is much like the goal pursued by the US during the Cold War: making sure that the two countries did not misinterpret each other's actions in such a way as to start an unnecessary conflict. While such relationships used to be about understanding troop movements or missile positioning, the two countries are now just as concerned with Internet actions.

"Both the US and Russia are committed to tackling common cybersecurity threats while at the same time reducing the chances a misunderstood incident could negatively affect our relationship," said Howard Schmidt, US Cybersecurity Coordinator, in a statement yesterday.

Read full article here: ARS TECHNICA

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