
17 September 2011

Will Americans finally take a stand? | #occupywallstreet #dayofrage #adbusters

There is less than 12 hours left until the start of the protest on
Wall Street and I can help to wonder what will happen. To be honest
with you I don't know what to expect and I am concerned for the
protesters that will be out there. Our democracy has an unfortunate
history of harming those who wish to fight to correct injustice and
disrupt the status quo. I am haunted by the ghosts of National
Guardsmen shooting protesters at Kent State and the police brutality
suffered by those fighting for civil rights. No my friends, America
does not take too kindly to dissent.

I'm trying to imagine what it would be like for 20,000 people to
physically occupy the Wall Street area for months and go unchecked by
the NYPD and frankly, I just don't see that happening. I know in my
heart that the NYPD will use whatever tactics they can to justify
violence against a peaceful protest - be it "homeland security" or the
"economic interest" of the nation. I'm worried because I know what
happened in London CAN happen here if those kids on Wall Street are
pushed to the limit and forced to defend themselves.

Things HAVE to change in this country and I am afraid that change is
not going to come as the result of a peaceful occupation of a little
piece of NYC real estate. As much as I hope for a peaceful end to the
corporate takeover of America, our history shows that nothing changes
for the better without first undergoing a violent and bloody period of
upheaval. Not to mention that the billionaires who now own this
country won't give up easily especially when they have the politicians
in their pockets.

I hope the average American understands what these kids are fighting
for because they are fighting for an America that existed before many
of them were even born. An America that I distinctly remember growing
up in and watching it slowly change from a respected freedom loving
democracy to a despised corporate cleptocracy. The love of freedom and
democracy have been somehow replaced by the need for fear and

My hope is that people of America are awakened from their slumber and
realize that the citizenry are the agents of change and not any
corporate-owned politician. I pray for the safety of all those who are
taking a stand down on Wall Street tomorrow and beyond. We need to
support them because that is what freedom and liberty is about. The
ability to question and change a government when it become destructive
and fails to serve its citizens is a fundamental right of a free

It is time that we stand up for ourselves instead of waiting for
someone to do it for us. Maybe after 235 years it is time to revisit
this system of government we created for ourselves.

- Damon Baldini

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