
13 August 2011

Suspected Chinese spear-phishing attacks continue to hit Gmail users | #hackers #cyberwar #infosec

Months after Google said that Chinese hackers were targeting the Gmail accounts of senior U.S. government officials, attempts to hijack Gmail inboxes continue, a researcher said Thursday.

"Once compromises happen and are covered in the news, they do not disappear and attackers don't give up or stop. They continue their business as usual," said Mila Parkour, an independent security researcher based in Washington, D.C., on her Contagio Malware Dump website.

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Hackers aim for the final frontier - broadcast WiFi from space | #cyberwar #Internet

In an old Soviet-era aircraft museum at Finowfurt, a small town just north of Berlin, hackers have gathered this week for the Chaos Communication Camp 2011, hosted by Germany's oldest hackers, the Chaos Computer Club.

From August 10-14, attendees live in thousands of tents next to the grass-covered hangars and in amongst the rusting planes in the fields, they came to indulge all their usual computer urges, and then go a little further.

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UK riots: zero tolerance promises Cameron - but will this be his finest hour?

After the biggest crisis of his premiership David Cameron talks about how to fix a broken society, and the contagion of despair in Britain's bleakest neighbourhoods.

What kept you? That's the first thing I want to ask David Cameron, as I sit down opposite him on the mid-morning train from Euston to Manchester. On Monday night, I say, I took refuge with my children in a friend's house in Hackney, a few hundred yards further away from the boiling disorder, far enough to feel safe; and, as I watched the scenes of conflagration and looting unfold on-screen, I did ask out loud: where is our Prime Minister?

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UK riots: High-tech face matching catches rioters | #anonymousIRC #AntiSec #ukriots

Police are using computerised facial imaging technology to identify and arrest rioters and looters who wreaked havoc across Britain's major cities.

Specialist officers at Scotland Yard match images from CCTV and even high-powered cameras on helicopters with pictures stored in the computerised files of people who had been arrested or charged.

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Leland Yee scolds BART over cell phone blackout | #anonymousIRC #AntiSec

The decision by BART officials to interrupt wireless service at several downtown San Francisco stations Thursday in an attempt to disrupt possible protest plans has drawn criticism.

The transit agency interrupted wireless service for several hours in response to a possible planned protest that was spurred by the fatal shooting of 45-year-old Charles Hill by BART police July 3.

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Hacker group threatens cyberwar against BART | #anonymous #AntiSec

An international group of hackers threatened Saturday to wage a cyberwar against BART in retaliation for the agency's decision to cut cell phone service to prevent a separate protest last week.

The activist group, known as Anonymous, also called for a nonviolent protest Monday evening at BART's Civic Center Station.

Members of the Anonymous group have claimed responsibility for disrupting Tunisian and Libyan government websites to coincide with street protests.

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10 Scariest Hacks | #DefCon #hackers #AntiSec

10 Scariest Hacks from DefCon & Blackhat. Ooooh- are you sc@r3d¿

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Who is Anonymous? - Patriots & Revolutionaries | #hackers #AntiSec #cyberwar

For as long as there have been computers, there has always been a small minority who tried to hack, crack, code and script their way around the inner workings, making electronics and computers do things that they weren't designed for.

Hacking isn't by any means a new thing, as some of its roots can be traced back to WWII when the Allied forces decrypted the Nazi Enigma machine. It was said that the German war-time system of messaging couldn't be cracked, but through hard work, the Americans managed to do just that.

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BART protests rescheduled for Monday rush hour at Civic Center | #Anonymous #AntiSec

The shadowy protest group known as Anonymous is planning a protest for rush hour on Monday at the Civic Center BART station, following a false start Thursday that prompted transit officials to shut down underground cell service to prevent protesters from communicating about police locations.

The group's website says the newly scheduled action is again aimed at the shooting deaths of unarmed men by BART police, and that protesters will be wearing blood-stained shirts Monday "for remembrance to the blood that is on the hands of the BART police."

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SlashGears Week in review is back! This week: Lego DIY R2D2, Hacker Arrest, and RefRef | #AntiSec

It's that time again; the SlashGear Week in Review is back. One of my favorite stories from last week was the LEGO DIY R2D2 robot. The robot was remote controlled and even the little dome turned making for a very cool project. The teen LulzSec hacker that was arrested in Britain recently was found to have details on hundreds of thousands of people on his computer. The exact number according to the police was 750,000 different personal records on people.

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Security expert at Black Hat: Whatever you do, keep Macs out of enterprise | #cybersecurity #infosec #network

The latest version of Mac OSX Lion is the most secure operating system Apple has ever shipped – far more resistant to malware, with fewer operational flaws or other characteristics easily exploited by hackers than five years ago, according to a report presented at last week's Black Hat conference by Alex Stamos of San Francisco-based security consultancy iSEC Partners.

That would make OSX Lion much more secure than any Macintosh product available five or more years ago, when threats to Macs were so rare many users thought they could do without antivirus.

Millions of Web pages are hacker landmines | #cybercrime #Russian

That's the latest development in a new style of hacking sweeping across the Web, according to research by website security firm Armorize.

"The misuse of numerous small sites is making the Internet a much more dangerous place," says Alena Varkockova, lab analyst at antivirus firm Avast. "Even the unimportant sites can do big harm when misused."

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Cyber-crime Expenses Increasing since 2010, Reveals Study | #cyberattack #hackers infosec

According to a study -"Second Annual Cost of Cyber-Crime" that Ponemon Institute recently conducted, costs of cyber-crime for businesses have grown 56% since 2010 and they inflict both government and enterprises.

Notably the study finds that cyber-crime has the potential to cause severe damage to the end-product of an organization, as it discovered a mean cost of $5.9m due to such crime for the total 50 firms polled.

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Russia and China accused of cyber-spying campaign to steal US secrets | #cyberwar #hackers #cyberattacks

The military and intelligence services ofRussia and China are conducting a sustained campaign to steal American commercial and military secrets through cyber espionage, according to the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and he warned that sophisticated computer hacking poses a major danger to U.S. interests.

"Nation states are investing huge amounts of time, personnel and money to steal our data," Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said Friday in a speech to an association of retired U.S. intelligence officers. "We are not as prepared as we need to be."
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AntiSec Data Dump IDs Thousands Of Cops, Informants | #hackers #anonymous

What types of information are exposed when Anonymous and affiliated hacker groups publish your organization's data? A research team has done a careful study of AntiSec's most recent dump of data from law enforcement agencies--and for the individuals whose data was involved, the news is not good.

Identity Finder, a maker of identity protection and data leak prevention tools, this week released a detailed analysis of the 10-gigabyte confidential data cache of 70 U.S. law enforcement agencies that was published recently by the AntiSec movement.

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Anonymous hits BART for blocking cell service | #hackers #hactivist #AntiSec

Hacktivist group Anonymous on Saturday (Manila time) called for "attacks" on San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) for blocking cell phone service in some of its areas to thwart civil disturbances organized through mobile devices.

While it did not say if it will attack BART's computers, Anonymous called on people to flood BART's directors with black fax, email bombs and phone calls.

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Brooklyn Man Pleads Guilty to Cybercrime | #carder #hackers

Jonathan Oliveras of Brooklyn, N.Y., recently pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud and one count of aggravated identity theft in relation to a credit card fraud operation.

"According to the indictment, Oliveras purchased so-called credit card dumps (the contents of the magnetic strips) from Russian hackers and wrote the data to blank cards using specialized equipment," writes Softpedia's Lucian Constantin. "Stolen information corresponding to 2,341 credit cards was found in his possession at the time of his arrest. The cards had registered 4,400 fraudulent charges totaling $770,674."

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A Model Cyberwarfare School | #hackers #whitehat #cybersecurity

Last month, Korea University obtained a permission to establish the Department of Cyber Security. This department will receive thirty students a year, offering a full-time scholarship. The graduates will serve in the army as officers but military training or uniforms are not required. It is already attracting huge attention from high school students who dream to be hackers.

This department is also drawing attention from other countries. Professor Im Jong-in had an interview with the Washington Post. Korea suggested a new model for fostering cyber warriors. Traditionally, Korea set up educational institutes based on American models, but this time, Korea University is playing a leading role.

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12 August 2011

SCADA Security Widely Discussed at Black Hat in Wake of Stuxnet Cyberattack

Security researchers pointed out the vulnerability of industrial-control systems, such as programmable logic controllers and other units, during the recent Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas.

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are used to run power plants, manufacturing processing, petrochemical production and other critical infrastructure. At the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, SCADA systems kept popping up in various panels as researchers discussed various ways they were vulnerable.

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How Should the US Deal With Cyber Attacks? #cyberwar

From WikiLeaks to the Chinese attacks on U.S. government information infrastructures, cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent and threatening every day. The most lucrative target of these attacks remains America, but the rest of the international community is not immune to hacking either: It is only a matter of time before we see a coordinated hacking attempt at Germany, France, or Britain.

The defense establishment in Washington has every right to concern itself with IT protection, but a better solution will incorporate U.S. security efforts in a supranational framework to minimize the impact of hacking attacks that have the potential to bring entire states to their knees.

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Reality-Based Cyber Crime Novella Explores Aftermath Of #Stuxnet #cyberattack On Iran

GRAND RAPIDS – Cyber Styletto is a new novella by a journalist, a writer, and a security expert who have pooled their talents to create an enthralling good read that is future forward and predictive. The facts are based on real vulnerabilities in the way the Internet is constructed.

Recent cyber security attacks using sophisticated malware (think Stuxnet) and social engineering techniques have raised the bar for defenders. Cyber Styletto pivots off these cyber events to educate and entertain. It is written as fact-based fiction.

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South Korean Unification Ministry targeted in #cyberattack

South Korea's Unification Ministry was the target of an attempted cyber attack, an official here said Tuesday, as the latest in the string of hacking attacks that Seoul suspects have been orchestrated by its northern rival. 

Unidentified people tried to hack into the website of the Unification Ministry by planting malicious software in the email system of a lawmaker's aide who frequently emailed the ministry, according to Kim Young-pil, an official at the ministry's cyber security center.

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Hacker Switches Sides to Help Public Safety Stave Off Cyber Attacks #cyberwar #cybercrime

Nearly half the cyber-attacks hitting Chinese systems, whether they are botnets, Trojans or Web attacks, originate abroad, and the United States is the source for the largest share, Chinese officials said.

Close to 493,000 Trojan attacks hit Chinese systems in 2010, with nearly half originating from outside the country, China's National Computer Network Emergency Response technical team said Aug. 10, according to a report from thestate news service Xinhua. Of the 221,000 attacks identified as originating from outside China, 14.7 percent came from the United States and 8.8 percent from India, CNCERT officials said.

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China Hit by Nearly 500K Trojans in 2010 With US As Largest Culprit #cyberwar

Nearly half the cyber-attacks hitting Chinese systems, whether they are botnets, Trojans or Web attacks, originate abroad, and the United States is the source for the largest share, Chinese officials said.

Close to 493,000 Trojan attacks hit Chinese systems in 2010, with nearly half originating from outside the country, China's National Computer Network Emergency Response technical team said Aug. 10, according to a report from thestate news service Xinhua. Of the 221,000 attacks identified as originating from outside China, 14.7 percent came from the United States and 8.8 percent from India, CNCERT officials said.

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Over 8000 cyberattacks on Commonwealth Games ticketing system #hackers

There were over 8,000 cyber attacks on the Commonwealth Games' ticketing and scoring systems in October last year but these were repelled, National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon said here Thursday while underlining the need to strengthen cyber security.

"There were 8,000 attacks on the ticketing, timing and scoring systems and we managed to tackle them all," Mr. Menon said at the Prem Bhatia Memorial Lecture here.

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British PM proposes social media ban for rioters

British Prime Minister David Cameron thinks he's found some culprits to blame in the recent riots that have rocked London and other cities -- Facebook and Twitter.

Saying the "free flow of information" can sometimes be a problem, Cameron's government has summoned those two social-networking sites, as well as Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry, for a meeting to discuss their roles during the violent outbreaks.

"Everyone watching these horrific actions will be struck by how they were organized via social media," Cameron said Thursday during an address to Parliament. "Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill. And when people are using social media for violence, we need to stop them."

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Red Cross: attacks on medics a 'humanitarian tragedy' #opSyria

A Libyan rebel fighter collapses to the ground during a firefight in the city of Misrata. Shrapnel rips through an artery in his leg, and he is rapidly losing blood. Medics battle to save his life in an abandoned building that doubles as an emergency operating theater.

They come under fire. The man dies.

Photographer Andre Liohn's images of the grim scene provide insight into the risky conditions under which medical personnel in conflict zones operate. It used to be that a red cross on a vehicle or building meant protection. But not anymore.

Assaults on medical personnel and facilities have become all too common, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Wednesday in releasing a new report.

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After Cheating Scandal, FBI Agents to Be Tested On Surveillance Tactics

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is planning to test agents about their understanding of the bureau's surveillance guidelines, a move coming more than a year after the Justice Department discovered widespread cheating on the exam.

Testing covering the recently amended Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide is to commence in the "coming weeks," according to the Main Justice blog.

The Justice Department's inspector general concluded last year that a "significant number" of the 14,000 agents cheated on the required, open-book test given in 2009.

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US and Russia "reset" their cybersecurity relationship #cyberwar #infosec

The United States and Russia have for several years been engaged in a high-level diplomatic "reset" of their relationship, complete with a physical "reset" button; now, that "reset" has been extended to the Internet.

The current goal of a better working relationship with Russia is much like the goal pursued by the US during the Cold War: making sure that the two countries did not misinterpret each other's actions in such a way as to start an unnecessary conflict. While such relationships used to be about understanding troop movements or missile positioning, the two countries are now just as concerned with Internet actions.

"Both the US and Russia are committed to tackling common cybersecurity threats while at the same time reducing the chances a misunderstood incident could negatively affect our relationship," said Howard Schmidt, US Cybersecurity Coordinator, in a statement yesterday.

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Did #Anonymous #hackers create a 4G #botnet at DefCon?

HACKERS AT DEFCON 19 were given a taste of their own medicine by pranksters from Anonymous and Lulzsec, according to a recent posting on the Seclists security disclosure web site.

The security conference that took place last week is a way for hackers and crackers to show off new techniques and flaws and flex their collective muscles, but it seems that a less than obvious experiment was also taking place.

"While most were enjoying libations or talks a very interesting event was taking place at the conference. We're all familiar with the hostility of WiFi and GSM networks at DEF CON, however, this year the most hostile network on earth was not 802.11; it was CDMA and 4G!," reads the introduction to thedisclosure made by a poster called Coderman.

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#Hacker group #Anonymous to "Kill" #Facebook; Now Probably Not #OpFacebook

Update from Gizmodo: Sources we've spoken to inside Anonymous' IRC have cast some heavy, heavy doubt upon the legitimacy of #OpFacebook. Unlike Anonymous' major offensives, which have the blessing of the collective's prominent operators, the Facebook takedown is more of a splinter maneuver. "#OPFacebook is not endorsed by Anonops at this time," stated one member. The generally-reputable AnonOps Twitter feed confirms as much. Another IRC member put it more clearly: 

Anonymous is a mindset not a group. Mindsets do not have leaders. With any given operation there are always some who agree and some who disagree. With opFaceBook specifically there are those that agree and those that disagree. Annoymous allows each person individually to vote on each operation, a yes vote means they participate, a no vote means they do not. Anyone is allowed to create an op and if others vote yes it will get traction and something may be accomplished.

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#Anonymous anuncia el desarrollo e inminente salida de una nueva herramienta de #RefRef #hackers

El colectivo ha anunciado que se encuentra desarrollando una nueva "arma" como alternativa mejorada a los DDoS. Al parecer, la medida adoptada se debe a los arrestos de los que han sido objetos varios individuos asociados a sus acciones, todos ellos derivados al defecto en el uso del LOIC que no permite ocultar la identidad del usuario. RefRef sería el nombre de esta nueva herramienta.

En el comunicado afirman que estará lista para el mes de septiembre, momento en el que comenzarán a operar con la misma. RefRef utiliza un enfoque muy diferente a los DDoS en las webs, mientras estos últimos se centran en los paquetes TCP y UDP, RefRef se basa en un nivel mucho más sofisticado diseñado para atacar a los servidores de los sitios por detrás,se trata de "agotar la propia capacidad de procesamiento del servidor". SegúnAnonymous:

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#UKriots: tougher powers could curb Twitter #socialmedia

David Cameron has promised to introduce stronger police powers in response to the riots. A range of measures could include restrictions on Twitter and other social media services.

In an emergency Commons statement, the Prime Minister said that extended police powers would be considered, such as the ability to demand that suspected criminals remove face masks.

Mr Cameron promised that offenders would pay for their crimes after the riots, many of which were organised through social media services and mobile messaging systems.

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11 August 2011

Two thirds of banks believe #cybercrime is uncontrollable.

Title: Two thirds of banks believe cyber-crime is uncontrollable.

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NRC approves Limerick's nuclear power plant #cyberattack security plan

LIMERICK — A plan to protect Exelon Nuclear's Limerick Generating Station from "cyber-attack" was approved Wednesday by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The need to enhance "cyber-security," a phrase used to encompass the computers and electronic controls inherent to the operation of the plant's two nuclear reactors and other important systems, was first recognized by the NRC in 2001 in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

According to the 88-page approval document, "this includes protecting digital computer and communication systems and networks associated with: safety-related and important-to-safety functions; security functions; emergency preparedness functions, including offsite communications; and support systems and equipment which, if compromised, would adversely impact (plant) functions."

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Teenage #hacker outsmarts #iPhone security, jail-breaks tech gadgets

Nicholas Allegra lives with his parents in Chappaqua, N.Y. While most teens who also spend most or all their free time on computers – and live at home with their parents -- what's different about this "tall, shaggy-haired, bespectacled 19-year-old," is he's a genius at "hacking," states the Aug. 22 edition of Forbes magazine. Allegra, who is now on "leave" from Brown University, "spends his days on a hobby that periodically stuns the computer security world: seeking out cracks in the source code of Apple's iPhone, a device with more software restrictions than practically any computer on the market, and utterly obliterating its defenses against hackers."

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Jointness still an afterthought in military #cybersecurity

Budgetary and cultural barriers are the biggest impediments to collaboration among the military services said Brig. Gen. Gregory Brundidge, director of command, control, communications and warfighting integration, U.S. European Command.

"We're programmed inside the beltway to think about money and to think about our tribes," said Brundidge Aug. 9, while speaking at an AFCEA NOVA event in Vienna, Va. "'I've got to give up money to some joint thing.' That's uncomfortable for some folks."

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California National Guard CIO Becomes State's Top #Infosec Exec

The Democratic governor of California has named a Republican to be the state chief information security officer.

Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday tapped Army Col. Keith Tresh, 49, of Sacramento as director of the Office of Information Security at the California Technology Agency. Tresh had been chief information officer of the California National Guard since 2006, after serving in a number of different posts from 1993 to 2005.

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The #Spy in the #CondeNast Elevator

Multiple sources tell The Daily Beast that the anonymous tweeter is John Jannuzzi, a style editor at Lucky Magazine who formerly ran social media operations at fashion public relations firm Starworks Group and maintains his own fashion blogand Twitter account.  According to one source, Jannuzzi "flies under the radar because he is not particularly well known or senior," and has a "knack for anony-tweeting." Another source says that disciplinary actions are "about to unfold within Conde today or tomorrow." When contacted for comment, Jannuzzi forwarded the e-mail to Lucky PR, who responded that corporate communications would follow up.

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#Anonymous might act against #UK web shutdowns / #Londoncalling

THE HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has issued a rather thinly veiled threat to the Government about its proposed plans to shut down social networking during times of social unrest.

Fresh from his holidays, UK Prime Minister David Cameron set about making himself look like a powerful and reassuring leader. He failed, and perhaps while scrabbling towards credibility he decided that perhaps the best thing to do would be to tackle social neworking, since he thought that caused the riots and looting that have recently beset cities and towns all across the UK.

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On #Anonymous and police brutality

Anonymous has added police brutality to the long list of thingsthey dislike. It's quite a common occurrence these days. Something controversial or unjust happens and Anonymous adds an accused party to its public list of potential hacking targets.

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You Don't Need to Be a #Hacker to Hack with This Android App / #cybersecurity

Security awareness seems to be a hot topic these days on the web, with developers making apps and devices that can hack networks and machines with just a few clicks. But these applications aren't only exploiting security flaws in systems and networks, they're being used by amateur and wannabe hackers who want to have a little fun, but don't want to learn how to actually "hack" anything.

Firesheep offers these wannabe hackers instant access to people's account information when on a public Wi-Fi connection. Newstweek gives web pranksters the ability to alter online news articles and images that web surfers on the same network are viewing. FaceNiff lets Android owners hijack unencrypted login credentials from users on the same Wi-Fi network. And now there's Anti, or the Android Network ToolKit, which lets anyone with an Android device pwn people, networks and machines—

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#Hacker in China behind attack on Cyworld #cybercrime

A "top-class" hacker based in China was behind the recent attack on popular websites, Nate and Cyworld, and theft of personal information of some 35 million users in the cyber assault, police said Thursday.

Announcing the result of an initial investigation of the case, police said the unknown hacker implanted malicious codes into update files of anti-virus programs installed in the computers of SK Communications, the operator of the two sites, and then gained an ID and password to access the database of user information in late July.

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#Facebook #hacker sentenced to prison time

An Old Forge man accused of hacking into a woman's email account and posting a nude picture of her to her Facebook page was sentenced to a minimum of six months in prison on Wednesday.

David Sica, 25, of 613 Hickory St., Old Forge, turned himself in to the Lackawanna County district attorney's office in December after an investigation found he had hacked a woman's email account and posted the photos of her to her page.

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#Pentagon Can Not Win a #Cyberwar Claims Author

The United States has remained the world's only global superpower since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but as the threat transitions away from being exclusively what the military likes to call "kinetic" war to include cyberwarfare, its ability to transfer its superiority into the new battlespace is being called into doubt.

In a gloomy, and at times clouded, essay in The Diplomat, Jeffrey Carr author of Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld, says that the U.S. will lose a cyberwar because the Pentagon fundamentally misunderstands the nature of the internet.

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Is your IP address on the #ShadyRat #botnet server? #cyberwar

On the heels of McAfee's report of "Operation Shady Rat," a security research company has released a tool to help organizations determine whether their networks were compromised during the attack.

follow Ryan Naraine on twitter

The tool, called Shady Rat Checker, checks IP addresses against those found on the "Shady Rat" command-and-control server.  If an IP is found (see screenshot below), it essentially means the network is already compromised and possibly sending data to servers managed by malicious hackers.

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US Govt Requests McAfee Briefing on #Hacker Report #shadyrat

In the fight to protect consumer information in the digital age, Murrieta's Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, R-Palm Springs, is seeking more information about the McAfee, Inc.'s report titled "Revealed: Operation Shady RAT." 

The report, released Aug. 2, summarizes McAfee's findings regarding a widespread global hacking campaign taking place over the past five years.

Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president of threat research, identifies 71 compromised parties, including U.S. government agencies, the International Olympic Agency, United Nations, international trade organizations and others.

"I would like to caution you that what I have described here has been one specific operation conducted by a single actor/group," Alperovitch wrote in the report.

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#Hackers Expose 75000 Social Security Numbers from University of Wisconsin - who is to blame? #AntiSec

While Anonymous plots the destruction of Facebook and Lulzsec remains on the lam, another hacker (or group of hackers) decided to kick it old school by planting malware on a computer system at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The security breach exposed the social security numbers of thousands of students, faculty, and staff, and if that's what the party responsible was after, the numbers could end up on the underground market.

UWM head Tom Luljak feels confident there was an ulterior motive, and says there isn't evidence any of the personal data data, which included both names and SS numbers, was even viewed, let alone stolen.

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Accusations that some media outlets refuse to cover Rawesome Foods raid, avoids printing raw milk phrase #infowar

(NaturalNews) It is perhaps the biggest story of the year in terms of fundamental food rights, and yet with very few exceptions, old media (traditional newspapers and news outlets) has outright refused to even cover the story. In fact, NaturalNews has learned from an inside source at the NY Times that the newspaper has an editorial prohibition against using the term "raw milk" in print. 

Instead, NYT uses the term "unpasteurized milk" which implies that somehow the milk is "incomplete" unless it is pasteurized. In its coverage of the issue, NY Times is almost universally in favor of processed (pasteurized) milk and strong government regulation, refusing the recognize the rights of private individuals to own shares of cows, goats or other farm animals and then enjoy the benefits of that private ownership.

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#Anonymous Doesn't Actually Want to Destroy Facebook #AntiSec #hackers

​Stop backing up your Facebook photos, because hacker collective Anonymous' plot to kill the 'book was all a big misunderstanding. Not a hoax, exactly; there was once a plan by an Anonymous user named Speakeasy and associates to raise awareness about Facebook's privacy policies and start an alternate social networking service. The originators of the idea handed over the reigns to the social network, Anonplus, to others, but left scraps of their work behind. Like in a game of Telephone, those scraps were distorted in the hands of other Internet trolls and eventually it was made to seem as though Anonymous was hell-bent on Facebook's destruction.

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#Anonymous and #TeaMp0isoN promise songs but no #Facebook hack

Politically motivated hacking crew TeaMp0isoN has teamed up with Anonymous in an attempt to storm the music charts.

The hacktivists fancy themselves as music moguls with plans to release a song by an unspecified artist that they are nonetheless convinced is bound to storm the charts. Proceeds of the unknown song – due to released via iTunes and YouTube – will go to charity.

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