18 August 2011

You Make a Difference | #EFF #coders #hackers

The Electronic Frontier Foundation would like to thank all of the attendees at this year's Black Hat USASecurity BSidesLV, and DEF CON conferences in Las Vegas. We are humbled by the infosec community's outpouring of generosity to sustain EFF's work defending coders rightsand upholding our freedoms online.

With the help of our donors and creative community efforts, we were able to raise over $85,000 for protection of online rights! This amount is comprised almost entirely of modest contributions, so thanks to everyone whorenewed their EFF membership or threw a few bucks in the bucket. Every dollar and reference to our work makes a big difference in the life of an organization like ours.

Read full article: http://bit.ly/pJNGSy

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